Day 1

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"Good morning, shark." Blakey mumbled to her overweight goldfish.
"Ugh, Friday finally."

Blakey has been picking up shifts this whole week. Struggling with money, she has pulled back-to-back doubles, and her body is exhausted.

As she rolls over, she throws her legs off of her bed to put on her bunny slippers and shuffles her way to her kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Fuck, I forgot to get some groceries. Looks like another day of shitty ass plain Cheerios."

Blakely swears like a trucker, luckily she doesn't like talking to anyone besides her goldfish and herself.
As she finishing pouring her bowl of Cheerios, she shuffles to the living room and turns on her television to watch something before heading to work.

"Shark! Are you hungry?" She yells across her one bedroom apartment.

Blakely walks back to her bedroom with a bowl of Cheerios in hand, grabs the fish food and shakes some into sharks fish tank. As she's watching the fish food slowly droop down, sharks start to nibble.

"Don't worry shark, one day I'll get you the biggest aquarium for your fat ass."
Blakely then proceeds to walk out of her room and back into the living room where she plops down on the couch and watches TV.

"Hmm let's see what's on." She mutters with a mouthful of Cheerios.
"Oh brad-" the lady on the TV howled.
"Ew, no." Blakely replied as she changes the channel.
"Today, on antiquing-"
"Absolutely not."
"Breaking news!"
"Fuck it." Blakely announced
"A car wreck has happened on the highway where the driver was pronounced deceased on site. Thomas Brown born February 18th, 1986 has been unfortunately taken from this earth on August 7th, 2023 at 5am." The news lady explained.
"Damn, he passed away today! I'm glad I was able to wake up. Why does watching the news always make me appreciate the days more?" Blakely wondered as she slowly turned to her clock.

"Oh shit, I got to start getting ready."
Blakely hops off her couch, turns off the TV, puts her bowl and spoon in the sink and heads to her bedroom to get dressed for her shift at 8AM. Just as she was about to put her cache pants on, she gets a call from her boss, Jaron.

"Blakely, hey."
"What's up boss man?" She asked hoping he would say the total opposite of what he answered with.
"Any chance you can come in ASAP? Elexa called out today."
"Umm, yeah. I'm getting dressed right now and I'll start heading over." She replied, forcing a positive tone.
"Sweet, thank you."
"Not a problem." Blakely says as she hangs up and puts her phone down.

"It's a problem, a very big problem. Why the fuck would you call me when you have other employees who aren't scheduled today? But no, let's call Blakey who's been working her ass off! Gosh, I better get employee of the month."

Blakely, now frustrated, grabs her keys, water bottle, and black zip-up jacket and heads to the parking lot.

As she unlocks her 2015 Toyota Corolla, she notices an orange tabby cat. She's never seen this cat before, she doesn't think much of it. She was more worried if she closed her window to make sure this cat doesn't eat shark.

She turned around to make sure her window was closed and that shark's fate wasn't sealed by this cat. She gets in her car, puts her water bottle and jacket on the passenger side seat and starts her engine.

As she starts her 10 minute drive to work she is still fuming that her boss called her, so she puts on a song she can resist but jam too.

"Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

"Hey, I just met you. And this is cray-cray!" She has her own version of this song.
"But here's my number. So call me maybe!" Once the song ends she starts thinking.

"Let's be honest, I could get a new job. A better job, one that will pay more and give me more opportunities. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm too lazy to look for another job."

Blakely pulls into her jobs parking lot still thinking and spitting out ideas
"I could work for Amazon, or Walmart." She wonders as she is currently walking into her job at Target.

"Ah, Blakely half a hour early." Jaron said.
"Yep, look at me. Star employee." She replied.

Every shift started the same: the boss would give tasks and the employees would have to do them.

"I need you to set up the displays in the clothing department for both men and women, and dress the mannequins."

Unfortunately, Blakely is terrified of the mannequins. She's watched too many horror movies where the dolls move when no one is looking, and she's seeing this "trend" go around where people dress up as the mannequins and move a little and scare the customers.

"Oh, woo." Blakely said, forcing a smile.
"You're okay with the tasks given?" Jaron asked.
"Yeah totally."

As Blakely dresses the male clothing section mannequin, she watches its blank face, terrified.

"Okay, if you're gonna move, do it now." Her hands trembling, she slips on the shirt.

"Gosh, I hate this job. Or more so, this part of the job. Why can't I do something cool like build the Lego displays or set up the security for the electronic section."

Throughout her shift she doesn't get many complaints, except this one customer.

"Excuse me, there are no Monsters on the shelf. Would you have any in the back?"
"Yeah, of course." She replied, then proceeded to walk to the employees only back door.

"Ugh dude, if we don't have any in the front then we definitely won't have any in the back." She says frustrated and pacing back and forth to buy time.
Blakely bursts through the back door to enter the main floor to find the customer that asked her to check the back.
"Hello, again. Unfortunately we don't have any in the back, I'm so sorry."
"Umm, okay that's fine, thanks."
"Yeah. Not. A. Problem." She replied dramatically.

Some time passes and her shift comes to an end.
"Ugh, closing time."
"Who are you talking to?" Her co-worker, Hannah asks.
"Myself. I need a experiets advice sometimes."

Hannah wasn't the nicest employee. But she definitely was the meanest.

"Mmmm okay?" Hannah replies
"Psychopath." Hannah proceeds to mumble under her breath as she walks away.
"I heard that!" Blakely says.
"What did I say then? Hmm?"
"You called me a psychopath!"
"Yeah I did, because you are one." Hannah exclaims.

"Okay whatever. I'm going to get back to closing so I can go home." Blakely argues back.
"Yeah get back to your lonely, lonely life with your goldfish because you have nobody, Blakely. Absolutely nobody. Byeee." Hannah turns her back and walks away.
"Stupid ass." Blakely mumbles under her breath.
"Too bad you don't have good hearing or else you would've heard that. I'll show you how much of a psychopath I can be one day."

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