Day 2

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"Ugh, good morning shark." Blakely groans as she wakes up.

"So glad I don't have to work today. You hungry shark?" She continues.
Blakely swings her legs off of her bed and puts on her slippers, she gets a call.

"Jaron? He better not be calling me to ask me to work another shift."
"Hey boss man." Blakely answered.
"Any chance you can show up ASAP? Elexa called out today."
"Huh? But I'm not scheduled today."
"You're not? But today's the 7th, right?" Jaron asked.

"No, today's the 8th-" Blakely paused as she checked her phone for the date.
"Oh weird, yeah I'll show up. Give me like 20 minutes." Blakely continued.
"Sweet, thank you. " Jaron replied.

Blakely hangs up the phone, pauses, then sprints to the living room to turn on her TV.
"New channel, where is the news channel?" Blakely yelps.

"Thank you Susan. Can we please have a moment of silence for Thomas Brown and his family." The news man said.

She hesitates. Her hands begin to shake and her legs feel weak.

"Okay, okay there is a reasonable explanation for this. Maybe just really, really, really bad deja vu, or maybe I have super powers or maybe I'm going crazy." Blakely says paranoid.

"Let's just get dressed and get to work." Blakely proceeds with her daily routine.

She feeds Shark, eats plain Cheerios, gets dressed for work, grabs her things and walks out of her apartment into the parking lot still confused on what's going on.

"Okay, wait. Breathe. Yesterday is today, but tomorrow is not today because tomorrow is tomorrow, right?"

As Blakely continues to ask crazy questions she sees the cat.

"The orange tabby cat." She mumbles.
"Okay, maybe I am going crazy, same cat, same call, same everything." She exclaimed.

As Blakely gets into her car she sits in silence. No music, no outside noise. Just the sound of the wind whooshing past her window.

"Okay Blakely, time to think about reality. There is absolutely posititelty no way this is happening."

As she sits in silence before arriving at her job she is questioning everything that is happening and everything that is about to happen.

Once she gets to her job, she starts to think that everything is okay.

"Okay, nobody looks familiar but again in my "dream" I was talking about getting a different job so maybe if I don't talk about getting a different job everything will be fine. Yeah that's how this works." She starts to think.

As she walks in confidently, she comes to a sudden pause.

"Ah Blakely, half a hour early" Jaron exclaimed.
"What! Oh, yes. Yep... look at me. Star employee." Blakely replies with a nervous chuckle and beads of sweat coming down her forehead.

As Jaron was telling her, her tasks of the day are the same thing.

"Umm, okay. Can you excuse me boss man. I feel like I have to throw up." Blakely replied.

"Oh, are you feeling okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Yeah. No, everything just feels off today and I don't understand what is happening." Blakely answered.

"Okay how about this. You have been working your butt off this whole week so just take today off. Deal?" Jaron said.

"Are you sure?" She relies.

"Yeah and Blakely get some rest, okay? You look pale like you've seen a ghost."

"Eh, close enough." She thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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