Honoring the Dishonored

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The news of the Village Hidden the Sound being destroyed along with Orochimaru, and his right hand man Kabuto, who were both traitors to Konoha shook all the Elemental Countries to their foundations. Even more so was the fact that a new hidden village was built right on top of Sound only after a few days of seeing the Shinigami's face on the moon that night.

About a month into the new village's secret construction, two black coffins appeared out of nowhere covered in and leaking out blood one dark cloudy morning right in the village square of Konoha for all to see. Each coffin bore the symbol of the Shinigami on top of them and the blood from each hand crafted death box didn't seem to stop and next to the coffins were 5 tall black robed druids 2 per object standing as still as statues with the leader out in front of them.

The only thing giving away the fact that they weren't statues was they were all in chorus with one another

It was only after the several ANBU, Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the Council arrived did the citizens of the Leaf start to calm down knowing such a group could protect them. Near the crowd was the Rookie Eight having been renamed after Naruto had been reclassified as a SS-Class Missing Ninja. Such an action shortly happened after the large crate filled with the remains of Hunter Ninja's had been delivered by the 3-tailed demon fox to the Council meeting room with Tsunade that eventful day. She had argued, threatened, and do everything in her power to force them to stop such a horrible decision, but in the end they had overruled her and done it anyway shipping out the latest Bingo Books less then an hour after doing so.

Now she was staring at a 5 agents of death though they were of a different sort then the one's she is used to and the fact she couldn't see there faces beyond the thick robed face coverings disturbed her. Were they friend? Foe? Something in the middle? It was always hard to tell with the people, who hide their faces with masks.

She mentally winced thinking of Naruto with his "mask" on and how it had hidden his pain for so long. Kami she missed him.

Reluctantly putting the thoughts of her little brother in the back of her mind once more she approach with Jiraiya and several ANBU to the lead druid, who made no movement whatsoever other then to continue with the chorus.

"You are the leader of this group?" said Tsunade trying to vocally overpower the druids singing before she decided to lose her temper.

The "leader" of the group tilted his head to the side before setting it straight and nodding a barely noticeable nod while continuing his singing not missing a beat with the others behind him.

"If that is the case then are you from the new hidden village that built over Sound?" said Jiraiya looking at the druid carefully trying to measure the druid's chakra signature only to find it was masked perfectly against even him.

If possible the chorus from the druids got even louder thus making Tsunade's temper get shorter at both her and Jiraiya being ignored/disrespected.

"Listen! If you don't tell me, who you are and what is in those bleeding boxes behind you I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" said Tsunade nearly yelling as the chanting had not stopped once making everyone watching feel uneasy that two Sannin with a Kage were intimidating the uninvited guests.

Hiashi himself had tried using his Byakugan on them only to shut it off before the veins on the side of his eyes even appeared as he shock froze him to the bone. What the Clan Head had seen in that very moment was not something he wanted to relive again as he saw beyond the robes was absolutely...nothing. No life. No chakra network. No charka period! Only death locked away behind flimsy black robes.

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