Road to the Chuunin Exams

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When the alarms finally died down on the Village Hidden in the Leaf all of the people were shocked to learn that the graves of the four previous Fire Shadows and one's own wife had been disturbed. That the graves of their previous leaders had been taken from right under them like taking a candy from a sleeping baby and that the ones responsible for the theft came from the Village Hidden in the Shinigami. Out of everyone upset by this were Tsunade and Jiraiya since they were two of the oldest members of Konoha to know all of or related to those that had their remains taken away.

The 3 days of talking later the Council was quite livid and demand she finally take action against the Shikage and his village like they should have done originally. After they all found out what happened to Rain Village the Council had been adamant about sending spies into Shinigami Village, which Tsunade did wanting to know more about the new hidden village herself. They were all sent back maimed and bloody in a box with a note on it telling Leaf not to stick its nose where it doesn't belong.

It kept Tsunade from sending more lives to their deaths until she learned why the Shikage seemed so hostile towards Konoha when Mist, Suna, and Waterfall representatives were all welcome to meet with the entity. Full trade relations were setup between Shinigami and Wave increasing the flow of their economic state several times over.

Even the Spring Princess/Actress Yuki met the mysterious man to do business with him for future missions she may ask of his ninja to do. She had even suggested that given his permission and cooperation she could perform her movie roles in his hidden village with a significant sum going to Shinigami as a token of her thanks.

Though thanks for what exactly no one knew.

After hearing the entire report from a temporarily assigned to wheel chaired Kakashi and several ANBU, Tsunade sent a letter to the Fire Daimyo as fast as she could. Shizune had looked it over (and after correcting it several times) sent it off to have the man give his blessing on Leaf going to war with the Shikage. To go into this war in their current state of favor with the all wise and powerful Fire Daimyo it would be unwise to engage such a conflict without asking.

The response they got from the Fire Daimyo was not the one Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, and all the Council members expected.

Dear Hokage-sama,

I have received your request to give you permission to go to war with Shinigami due to what happened in Konoha a little over a week ago. Believe me when I say that I fully understand your pain in this matter since most of your family, friends, and sensei were among the late Hokage's buried there. However, before you sent me this letter I also received one from the Shikage himself explaining his said actions towards the Leaf. He also explained to me in his letter how those, who came to receive the bounties, had been denied at first by your Council. Can you tell me what was the appropriate amount for the slain bodies, who I dare not speak out of spite for them? Then later on several of your ninja's whether under your command or not tried to take the very sum they were given away! I am most displeased right now with what news I have heard and while I do not deplore the actions of the Shikage I do not sanction them either.

That said I have decided that due to the popularity of the Hidden Shinigami Village with various villages and Countries I have no choice, but to deny your request. However, I am not without mercy and the Shikage has taken into account your personal feelings on this issue Hokage-sama given your relationship to those inside the coffins that were taken. So by the power invested in me I will increase your budget by the stated percentage I told you in the previous letter.

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