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          The small gray she-cat entered the moonstone chamber. The huge crystal glowed with a silvery light. "May Starclan send you good dreams." Meowed a brown tabby next to her in his rough voice. She nodded. The four cats crouched down and touched their noses to the glowing stone. Immediately, a dark wave of exhaustion washed over the Riverclan medicine cat. She blinked open her eyes. She was back in Riverclan's camp below the Wetrock. A strange cat she had never seen was standing atop it in a very regal position, and moonlight seemed to radiate from her pelt. The moon above her shone the brightest she had ever seen, and there were no cats of starclan in the dark blue sky. Suddenly, a huge wave of cats exploded from behind the cat on the Wetrock, engulfing them. Large clouds covered the moon, making the bright moonlight illuminating the clearing turn to an ominous dull shadow. "What's happening!" The medicine cat wailed. Her heart pounded in fear. A huge gust of wind blew through the clearing carrying the strange cats out of camp as if they were feathers. All that remained was the first cat she had seen, still sitting in the same position. As the wind blew, she heard a voice carried in the gusts. In an ominous tone, it said; "When the moon shines brightest, clouds will rise. And only a gust of wind can clear the skies." "What do you mean!?" Shouted the gray tabby above the steadily increasing wind. "Please tell me more!" And with that the wind whipped up into a howl, and all went black.

          The small gray tabby snapped opened her eyes. She stood up, though her legs were shaking. "Are you alright Ashleaf?" Asked the windclan medicine cat, Ambernose, her emerald eyes shining with concern. "Yes, of course!" She meowed in a fake-cheery tone. She forced herself to stand straight. "If you say so..." Ambernose meowed skeptically. A brown tabby cleared his throat and both cats whipped around to face him. "If you two are done chit-chatting, then we could get a move on." He meowed in a gruff tone. "Of course, sorry Barkpelt." Ambernose meowed sheepishly. But Ashleaf was too preoccupied in her own thoughts to be bothered by the ShadowClan medicine cat's annoyed tone. What could this dream mean? Is there trouble in store for Riverclan? These thoughts continued all the way back to the Riverclan camp. She swam across the river quickly, and when she stepped out, she was greeted by Fawnstep, a Riverclan queen.

           "Oh Ashleaf. I'm glad you're back. Snowleap gave birth to her kits while you were away." Her eyes darkened. "Two of them were stillborn. A she-cat and a tom." She meowed gravely. "Were there any others?" Ashleaf asked. "Yes, there was a third, another she-cat. She's small but I think she'll live. But, then again, I'm no medicine cat." Fawnstep answered. "I'll have a look." Ashleaf promised. She slipped into her den and grabbed a bit of borage, then trotted across the clearing to the nursery. She was greeted by the sound of mewling kits. "But Fawnstep, why can't the new kit play?" The long-furred, gray kit, Rockkit, was whining. "You can play with her when she's old enough." Fawnstep soothed. Ashleaf blinked to adjust to the dim light. Snowleap was in a soft reed and feather nest on the side close to the wall, a small silver and white kit on her nest. It was mewling faintly. To her shock, Snowleap was looking at the kit with a look of mixed disgust and disappointment. That was not the warm look filled with love and affection that most new mothers gave to their kits. The white queen looked up. "Ashleaf, glad you're here." Snowleap greeted. Maybe I imagined it. She walked over and quickly examined Snowleap. She set the borage in front of white queen, and she quickly gulped it down. "You're doing well." She concluded. She moved over to the small kit on the moss. She examined it thoroughly. "All it needs is a good meal and nap."Ashleaf finally determined. "Oh." Snowleap meowed, sounding disappointed. Ashleaf was now extremely confused. Did she want her kit to die?! She shook her head to clear the dark thought. Of course not. My Moonstone dream must be messing with me. That's all. 

          "What are you going to name it?" Ashleaf asked curiously. "I don't know. It could be called Maggotkit for all I care. She suggested with an amused glint in her eye. Ashleaf was shocked. Surely, she can't dislike the kit that much? "Snowleap!" Fawnstep gasped sternly. "I don't care, you name it." She meowed, forcefully shoving the kit towards Ashleaf. "But it needs food!" Ashleaf protested. "I'm not feeding that slimy worm!" She retorted. "But Snowleap! The kit will die without you." Fawnstep protested. "So? Then this clan will be one kit less annoying." Snowleap's word's pierced Ashleaf's heart like a thorn. Fawnstep looked at the small kit with green eyes filled with sadness, and then looked back at the white queen. She turned to Ashleaf, her kits now snoring gently at her belly. "I'll feed it." The pale brown queen meowed quietly. "Good." Snowleap snorted and laid the other direction, tucking her tail over her nose. Ashleaf shook her head sadly. What kind of life will this kit have? She shook her head again, more forcefully. She could worry about that later. What mattered now is that this little kit needed a name. All of a sudden, her moonstone dream came flooding back to her. A strange voice echoed in her head. When the moon shines brightest, clouds will rise. And only a gust of wind can clear the skies. Almost as if she was speaking through another cat, she meowed;"Moonkit. You will be Moonkit. And one day, you will shine bright as the stars."

I know, prophecies are cliche, I just came up with this randomly one day and liked it so yeah. I hope it's mysterious enough lol.

Clouded moon: A warrior cats OC story (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now