Chapter 13

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          Lichenstar looked shocked. "A kittypet? Join Riverclan?" "If you allow me too, that is." Acorn repeated. Lichenstar quickly recovered her calm air, thoughtfully gazing at the brown kittypet. "What makes you want to leave your comfortable kittypet life? There you get fed and cared for by twolegs. And you have their warm den. Out here you have none of that!" She asked. "Like I said, the other kittypets told stories of how you hunt your own food, and all live together." She answered. "More or less." She admitted when she noticed Moonpaw staring at her quizzically. "You would never be able to return to your twolegs." Lichenstar reminded. "You can't live with a paw in two worlds." 

          "What if she stayed with us and proved herself for a half-moon or so, and if she did well, she could earn her apprentice name." Firefern suggested from beside Moonpaw. Lichenstar's gaze flitted between the clan cats and the kittypet before her gaze settled on Acorn. "Then it's decided. You must prove you are fit to be a clan cat. And if you do prove worthy, you may join Riverclan. If not, you will return to your kittypet life." Acorn's eyes glowed. "Thank you!" She purred, dipping her head. Lichenstar nodded to Grassclaw. "Show her the apprentice den." She ordered, and the young warrior dipped his head. 

          "Now, you two." She meowed, turning to the two apprentices. "What in Starclan made you think it was okay to go off into unknown territory like that? You could have been hurt, or worse, killed!" Moonpaw opened her mouth to speak but Dawnpaw spoke first. "We didn't mean any harm! We were just trying to get catmint for the sick cats!" She blurted. Lichenstar sighed. "I know that you were only doing what you thought was right. Though, only Starclan knows how you managed to get the catmint, you also got captured by Thunderclan." She meowed. "I think being the sole caretakers of the elders for the next moon will be a suitable punishment. Firefern, can you work that into their training?" Lichenstar asked. "Of course." Firefern replied.

          Moonpaw brightened. That isn't too bad. "And since you did bring back the catmint, you may come to the gathering." Lichenstar finished. Moonpaw felt a jolt of surprise. She had forgotten about the gathering tonight. "You can get started with your new duties immediately." And with that the blue-gray she-cat trotted away to join a group of senior warriors beside the fresh-kill pile. Moonpaw sighed. She had hoped to rest after her and Dawnpaw's long journey. Might as well get it over with so I can catch a nap. 

         Dawnpaw turned to Moonpaw. "You take care of food. I'll get started on the bedding." She meowed. Moonpaw nodded and trotted over to the fresh-kill pile. All that was left was a small minnow. Barely enough to feed a kit. "I'd better start hunting then." She muttered with a sigh. She trotted out of the camp and let out a startled gasp as she came to the river. It was covered in a thick sheet of ice, glistening in the weak leafbare sun. I must have not noticed it on the way in. She thought in surprise. That means I'll have to hunt land prey. She thought, groaning at the thought of having to go deeper into the forest. She sighed and set off. You got yourself into this. She reminded herself. 

         There was a nip in the air as she entered the deeper forest close to the Thunderclan border, and the gathering clouds and fizzing air promised snow later. She paused to taste the air. She dropped into a crouch as she scented a mouse. She glanced it nibbling an acorn it must have stashed under an oak tree. She stalked forward, her muscles, oddly large for a Riverclan cat, rippled beneath her glossy coat. When she was about a fox length away, she pounced, killing it with a swift bite to the neck. She looked at it in satisfaction. It was rather fat for leafbare prey. She picked it up and quickly buried it, then swiftly caught a squirrel. She picked up the two pieces of prey and set off back to camp. 

         She leapt across the stepping stones with ease and trotted back into the camp. She slid into the elders den. To Moonpaw's surprise, Dawnpaw had already finished the bedding. She dropped the mouse in front of Silverleap and the squirrel in front of Stoneclaw. "I've already done the ticks as well." Dawnpaw meowed. Moonpaw butted her friend affectionately. "Thanks." She purred. "No problem." Dawnpaw answered. She exited the den and as she turned to call a goodbye she bumped into a familiar white pelt. She glanced up to see two cold green eyes glaring down at her. Thorn-sharp teeth pricked her scruff as she was dragged into the reeds. Almost immediately, claws shot out and raked her ear. "What were you thinking you minnow-brained piece of fox-dung! Now you've made me look even worse than before!" Snowleap hissed furiously. Moonpaw shrunk back in terror. Snowleap paced back and forth in front of her daughter. "What kind of apprentice goes and gets captured by Thunderclan and then twolegs! And brings a kittypet back with them for Starclan's sake!" When Moonpaw didn't answer, she hissed in Moonpaw's face, "A good-for-nothing apprentice! That's who!" Fury filled Moonpaw from ears to tail tip. She glared at Snowleap angrily. "I don't know what I did to make you hate me, but-" "Quiet!" Snowleap spat, interrupting Moonpaw. "You're just as bad as St-" She paused, and her eyes widened in surprise. She shot one final angry glance at Moonpaw, she sprinted off into the reeds. 

Clouded moon: A warrior cats OC story (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now