1 - a slightly better hell

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Ryoma sat in the back of the car, looking out the window numbly.

"Ya doin' alright back there Hoshi?" The driver said, looking back at him though the visor.


The driver sighed, but stayed quiet, navigating through the rainy streets. The silence in the car was deafening, only interrupted by the car engine purring and the rain falling on the windows, but Ryoma didn't mind. In fact, he appreciated the silence more than anything, the prison had never been this silent.

God, how he wasn't going to miss that place.

Though he wouldn't admit it, Ryoma much preferred his current situation compared to his old one. Apparently, the headmaster of hopes peak academy had looked into his records, and decided to initiate him into a "rehabilitation program" at Hopes Peak. Under the headmasters watch, he was going to be learning just as any other student his age, and be "rehabilitated" into society from being some murderous maniac. Ryoma, personally, thought it was a load of shit, but his opinion didn't matter on the topic.

The engine of the car came to a halt, snapping Ryoma out of his thoughts, seeing that the car had stopped.

"We're here, Hoshi."

Ryoma looked out the other window, seeing the large gates of the school towering over him. The driver had gotten out, opening the door for him, holding an umbrella. The short boy took the umbrella, standing out in the rain, looking up at the gates in the same clothing he was arrested in. The cat eared beanie, the leather jacket over the blue striped shirt, and his plain black pants with the wallet chain, all without a coating of blood this time. He heard the car leave from behind him, and sighed heavily before taking a step towards the gate. "The first day of my new hell." He muttered under his breath. As he reached for the gates handle, a car from behind him drenched him with the rainwater as is sped away, leaving him standing there, wet and miserable.

fucking great.

Ryoma didn't even have the energy to be mad. In fact, he hadn't really felt anything for a long time. Like an old friend he barely remembered existed. He pushed through the gates and entered the school, it's large white walls and polished floors seemed almost to lavish for a high school, it was surely nothing he deserved. Surprisingly enough, there wasn't really anybody in the halls at the time, probably because of the rain outside, many students would want to stay inside. This didn't bother him though. He'd rather not be stood out by other students, because of his absurdly small height for his age. Being 3'5, he had gotten used to the stares and pointing coming from other peers. This attribute didn't particularly help him through his time in prison. It didn't take Ryoma long to find the Headmasters office. With large polished oak doors and is a gold reflective nameplate stating

" headmaster kirigiri".

Rhianna thought it was quite obnoxious, having such a luxurious number plate for the principal, Though are looking at the rest of the school, it did fit in. He push the door, which opened, smooth, valued at, is touch, revealing man with crash, lavender hair wearing a fitted suit sitting at the desk across the room.

" you must be Ryoma Hoshi!" The man stated brightly. " come take a seat", he smiled at, gesturing at a tall stall across the table. Ryoma supposed the usual chair was replaced with this to accommodate for his absurdly small height. He nodded and clambered into the tall chair across the table, looking unamused.

for the first time, the headmaster seem to notice to state that Ryoma was in.

"my, the rain really did a number on you didn't it?" Mr kirigiri chuckled, then stopped when he noticed that rhyme I didn't laugh with him. The headmaster cleared his throat. "Well, I'm sure you understand why you're here. I'd like to say that it was all my idea and my skills I got you out of that dreadful place, but I really have to credit my daughter. Kyoko attends here as the ultimate detective. She was the one who put most of the research into your... sentence."

Ryoma nodded, still looking unamused.

"but before we get into your education, we must address a few... uncomfortable factors." The headmaster's bright smile, turned into a sorrow and darkened looking expression. "for rehabilitation purposes, you will be attending therapy sessions while at the school. And for the purposes of these sessions, I must ask. Did anything... happened to you in prison?"

Ryoma flinched, a chill going down his spine. of course he'd ask that. Of course he'd fucking ask that.

The headmaster seemed to notice how tense he had gotten, and went to touch his arm in a fatherly way. Ryoma's eyes shot open as his arm jerked away, glaring at the man before him. The headmaster pulled his hand back looking regretful and pitiful.

" I wouldn't be asking if it went absolutely essential." he reassured him with a weak smile.


" a lot happened in prison."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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