Chapter 4 - Fighting To Escape!

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'Thoughts' "Speak" 'Demonic thoughts' "Demonic speaking"

Danzo and the council were flabbergasted. They banish the Yondaime Hokage's son?!? They had absolutely no idea... they had to get him back! Danzo sent his ROOT members after the fourth's son.

"GO! Do not let him leave the village!" Danzo exclaimed. With that, his ROOT members went to trace Naruto's scent and quickly discovered him.

"Naruto Uzumaki! Stop in the name of Danzo!" said a ROOT member. Naruto responded saying, "Pff! Like I'll ever listen to him! He's the one who got me banished dumb ass!".

The ROOT member then told him, "Fine! You leave us no choice but to use force! ROOT, ATTACK!". With the command, the whole group scattered and surrounded Naruto, ready to begin their onslaught.

Naruto turned around and stopped on a branch, facing the ROOT. 'Damn, I have to face ROOT members just to get out of this god damn village? Heh, it's kind of ironic how they scorned me and ignored me and shit back then, but now that they know who my father is they're begging for me to come back.' Naruto thought.

The blonde boy then proceeded to yell, "Kage Bunshin no jutsu!", and 10 copies of himself puffed into existence.

The first clone took out kunai knives and threw them at some ROOT members, but only to be dodged. The clone muttered, "Kuso!".

The clone then got another one to form a rasengan in his hand, and smashed it into one of the ROOT members chest, killing him instantly.

"DAMNIT! HE KNOWS RASENGAN FROM THE YONDAIME!?!" yelled one of the ROOT members. "Well, he is his son soooo...." answered another member.

Then something unexpected happened. The original Naruto created 100 more clones and each one either formed a rasengan in another clones hand or was waiting for the clone to form it in their hand.

" Heh heh! This is my new Justu I was working on for a while now. I like to call it Taju Kage Bunshin Rasengan Danmaku (Multi Shadow Clone Spiraling Sphere Barrage)!" Naruto shouted.

The ROOT members were too scared to even move ( also they couldn't move because they crapped their pants ;D ) so, they were basically ROOT-ed to the ground ( heh heh i'm punny). All the Naruto's then plunged the rasengans into all the ROOT members chest, and they all screamed in agony before they dropped to the ground, dead on the spot.

Naruto dispelled the Kage Bunshins and was exhausted. Even with the Kyubi's help, making a bunch of clones form a rasengan was enough to tire him out, even if it was just a little.

"Yes!!! I defeated them! Pff, and Danzo thought they were strong. Okay, now I can finally leave this damned village!".

Little did Naruto know, one ROOT member had barely escaped and went off back to Danzo and the council to report what happened...Ah well he'll probably die when he gets there .* wink wink nudge nudge *

A/N HEY GUYS!!! So I finally updated this, sorry for the wait. I have decided to update this at least once a week, but if I don't it probably means my Wifi is down ( it happens a lot) or i'm visiting some place. Anyways, thanks for the people who supported and replied to me when i said to comment if you think i should continue this. I got a few comments and did reply to them,thanks for that btw, but the thing that really surprised me was that my story has gotten 77 views, and by the time I just finished this new chapter i looked and saw it got 82 views!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I really appreciate it when you guys comment or do some kind of thing to support this story! I would also appreciate it if you guys show this story to other people, but you don't have to i don't mind.Also, be sure to check out POKEMONLOVER808's account, he helped share my story to other people. Thanks man! Anyways, that's all for now, and I hope you guys like this new chapter in Naruto: Rise of a Legend! Peace out :D!

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