Chapter 3

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Connor dreamed he was trapped in chains hanging over a volcano. He tugged at the chains but they wouldn't let go of him. He checked his surroundings, the sky was the blackest he had ever seen, and beyond the volcano was desert, sand flowing in the wind. Past the desert was a mansion that looked like a small dot but he still saw it. The lava below him was splashing everywhere, ready to burn his skin, but Connor wasn't scared of the lava, he never was.

A voice boomed," Little Demigod, work for me and you will be rewarded, I see potential in you."

"Never," he screamed.

"I'll never work for you, you literally locked me up in chains," he said, pointing at the chains.

"Ohh, you dumb, dumb boy." replied the voice.

"The reward will make you rich, don't you always want to be rich?"

"Umm, First you locked me up in chains over a freaking volcano, Second your not even showing yourself so I don't know who I am working with, and now you're asking if I want to be rich, and what happens if I say no? Are you going to drop the chains?" replied Connor.

"Yeah, maybe but you don't know who you're messing with, okay last chance work with me or no, if you say no you will meet your doom." said the Voice.

"What's my doom?" asked Connor.


"Something about last chance?"Connor guessed.

"I said, you don't know who you're messing with, last chance-"


The voice cut the chains and let him drop.

"Use less," She muttered.

Connor braced for the lava to feel like water but instead, it burned him, he screamed as it tortured him. He had never been burnt before.

"That stupid voice must have done something." He thought as he suffered.

The next thing he knew he was teleported to a luxurious, lush green cave. Dim lights glowed in a room close to the edge of the cave. He walked in and saw a man with a short sleeveless tunic and a round close-fitting cap on his unkempt hair shouting at his workers.


His workers scrambled and went out of the cave. The man noticed something was off, he sniffed the air and threw a knife in his direction,

Connor woke up feeling a drip of blood falling out of his neck.


Sorry this was so short but I couldn't think of more ideas,

the next one will be 100% longer than this one

I'm so sorry that the next one will take longer because I can on;y write on sundays.

Go, Connor!

-Demigod_fan777 and his family

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