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[To learn more about the specifics of Soulaa, go to ang1eshifts on tiktok check out her pinned videos for more detailed stuff like visuals and whatnot. AGAIN, FOR SOULAANS ONLY. Also please note that Soulaa in my desired reality is magic-based as well so you will see some of that here.]

Soulaans were bestowed permanent magic powers and abilities by the universe when they started migrating into Soulaa. for a very long time, the land of Soulaa was potent with supernatural magic only Soulaans could handle as slavery caused Soulaans to have broken souls which made them very sensitive to magical energy. once Soulaans began starting lives in Soulaa, on June 6th, 1862, all Soulaans in Soulaa gained permanent magical powers and abilities. Soulaans who lived in the USA did not gain these powers since they weren't on Soulaan soil BUT can still get them if they come to Soulaa for an extended period of time (up to two months.) After that period, those Soulaans who came to Soulaa gain powers from the universe as well once they have truly accepted their heritage and healed their souls with Soulaa's energy. The masses never even knew Soulaans had powers like this until 1999 because the people who lived in Soulaan gatekept it so hard until one day it accidentally got leaked. Non-soulaans didn't actually believe it until 2012 when Soulaans started openly making videos and things using their powers.

There's a lot of introvert friendly restaurants and fast food places that don't require you to have to speak or even look at other customers and servers. (INSPIRED BY THAT ONE JAPANESE RAMEN RESTAURANT, ICHIRAN RAMEN!)

Soulaa is, quite literally, the most beautiful place in the world.

There is little to no crime in Soulaa.

Soulaa has many flowers, herbs, and spices native to the land that can't be found anywhere else.

The lakes, hot springs, natural pools, and oceans here has the most crystal clear, beautiful water.

The underwater parts of Soulaa look like the stuff you'd see out of a literal fairytale (think little mermaid and stuff like that.)

In Soulaa, there's quite a lot of diverse clubs but we also have clubs that only play specific types of music (jazz clubs, rap clubs, asian music clubs (kpop, jpop, you know what i'm talking about), drill music clubs, edm clubs, the list goes on.)

Soulaa has a lot of merch stores. kpop merch, sanrio merch, game merch, movie merch, etc. And they all have very high-quality stuff for a good price.

When it comes to Soulaans, we always have perfect concert etiquette. We always have the most hype at concerts in all the world and every artist loves touring/doing shows here. We're also the absolute gods at following directions. If the performer says "quiet", the entire crowd goes completely quiet to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

Music artists absolutely LOVE touring/doing shows or concerts in Soulaa because of how hype and respectful the crowds are. The fans are always polite and never do things that the artists don't like unless it's deserved. We honestly go above and beyond for performers.

In Soulaa, since we have a lot of music artists and actors here, we have award shows and stuff similar to the one's America and/or Korea. There are fan-voted awards and ones that aren't but either way, whoever wins wins fair and square with no cheating or anything. Our award show performances are also almost always turnt the fuck UP. We also have a lot of festivals that allow music artists to perform (Beatnik, FunkXXX, InSound Music Festival, MEGAFEST, Pulsify, and Rat Rave, PopZilla, Soul Station and Noise Ignition. And yes, I did take these names from one of those festival name idea websites.)

In Soulaa, everyone is paid fairly for their work. there is no "underpay", everyone is paid for the work they get done. For this reason, most Soulaans are known to be filthy rich and powerful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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