Chapter 1- Meets

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This story takes place 1000 years before Godric death.
You just turned 18 not that long ago, and your parents is selling you off to marry someone that you didn't want. You want true love, not something that you never met or want. But you knew you had no choice in the matter.

"Y/n , dear, your soon to be husband be here soon, so get ready" your mother said, look at you with calming voice.

You hate this choice and your life wish you met a handsome man and fell in love with not a fake marriage.

Time went fast, the sun went away, the sky went dark, and that mean vampire is out, Godric and his new child Eric is out to play.

You wear a long, beautiful dress that your mom got for you to look pretty for your husband soon.

"Mommy, why do I have to marry this guy? I don't know him." You ask

"My dear you know why?" Your mother snap at you

You hate it so much that you just want to run away from all this. You can't help yourself and run out of your home crying in tear hear your mom call out your name "Y/N get back here now."

You run so far that you didn't know where you going until you fell on the ground face flont.

Before you pick your own self up from the ground you hear the nice voice ever

"My dear, are you okay?" the voice of the young man ask

"I-" You couldn't say anything after see a handsome men standing in front of you having his hand out for you to grab.

"Godric, do you think this is the time?" Other good-looking man with long blonde hair spoke up

You grab Godric hand to pick you up and Godric reply to the long blonde hair "Eric it's fine." The next min they talking in some kinda language that you don't understand.

Before you can speak up you heard your angry father call out your name "Y/N where the hell are you my stupid child "

Your heart start racing and body was still don't know what to do until Godric ask "Do you what come with us"

"Yes" you replied without hesitation

Godric and Eric took you to place that was their home. You still don't know about the language their saying but it pretty much they talk about you.

"So, are you going tell us what wrong and why you running away?" Godric ask

"How you know I was running away" You reply trying to not to cry in front of them

Godric come very close to you when Eric reply ,"We saw you running in tear."

Godric watch tear running down your face while he place his finger on your face and wipe them off. "It okay my dear, you can tell us what happened" Godric smile something about these two was off but you didn't care

You finally explained "I run because my parents sold me off to marry someone I don't want to be with. I want real love not fake love"

Godric never understood why parents give up their child to someone they don't know "How old are you"

"18" You replied to Godric

Eric feels annoyed and speaks in a language that you don't know to Godric and these two were arguing pretty much about you .

Eric storm off while Godric finally spoke normal "Sorry about that he just upset because we suppose to go out hunt to get some dinner "

You finally noticed something different from Godric and ask "What are you"

Godric smile went to frown on his face in a second and got up try to hide who he really is "It a long story"

"Please tell me, I told you why I was crying " You replied getting up as you walk over to Godric who look at you in a blank.

"If I told you, you will leave us and go back to your family" Godric answer

"I don't want go back I want stay here" You replied as Godric place his hand on your cheek knowing his hand was cold like he was dead or something.

"Me and Eric are vampire " Godric reply

You don't run or scream or cry out help you look at him and ask "How do you become a vampire"

Godric don't want answer that but Eric did "We feed on someone neck and drained out their blood as we give them our blood while the maker of the vampire and the human must sleep in the ground to rise a newborn vampire "

Godric was not please of Eric answer to you about it he look at him and reply "Eric outside now"

You can heard them argue about you but you walk outside and interrupting them "I want be a vampire"

Godric look at you like you was nut and Eric look at Godric "Well are you going turn her or should I " Godric snap at Eric

"Y/N you don't understand the risk of being one. You will never walk in sunlight or see your family ever again" Godric walk toward you place his hand on your neck.

"I don't care my family sold me off from guy I don't want be with." You replied look at Godric while Eric feels annoyed

"Father just turn her already. You know you want to so why wait so long "

Godric once again snap back at Eric "Eric this not the time"

Eric storm off like a child

"I want you to turn me please I hate my life and since I met you. Your my answer of freedom" Godric look at you after what you say

"No I can't" Godric feel sad as you place your hand on his face give you the please look.

Godric don't know what got into him but he feels sexuality where he passionate kiss you without hesitation as he tear off your dress that your mother give you.

You don't know what to say because you enjoy this everything that Godric was doing he throw you on the bed all naked as he took off his clothes and got on top of you as he fuck you so hard that both of you enjoy. You pull his head toward your neck as his fang come out and bite you. You moan so soft as the pleasure of your experiment having sex with a hottest vampire for the first time.

"Turn me" You whisper in his ear

"No not yet" Godric answer as he continues fucking you

This is the moment you fell in love with a vampire as Godric fell in love with you back. Godric finish fuck you as he roll off you and lay next to you and place his hand on your soft cheek "Be mine Y/N "

"Yes" You replied without hesitation

Godric smile as he kiss you without say anything Eric comes interrupted you guys kissing "Godric the sun is rise we need to go underground"

"Thank you Eric for letting me know" Godric got up from the bed and look at you "Come I ain't leaving you here knowing your family might look for you"

"Godric you rip off my dress and I don't have nothing to wear" You replied back as Eric throw a dress at you "How you know I need a dress"

"You don't need to know" Eric answer as Godric smirk

Godric walk toward you and say "Tomorrow we going find a new place to start a new life. Can you come with me underground until the sun go down"

You nod as you follow Godric and Eric to the underground as Godric want you lay next to you.

Today or tomorrow is not the day Godric going turn you yet but your life changes and your new family start adventure

Hi guys this my first true blood fanfic and huge obsession with Godric one my favorite character in the show.

Also I have learned disability so my grammar ain't good but I hope you enjoy this chapter

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