Chapter 161

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Aden makes his way out to the courtyard there where still a few students outside but admist them all he can see J and Jake. Aden slowly approaches them hands in his pockets, "Jake... It's been awhile, old friend." He says genuinely before nodding to J to leave. Jake looks over Aden intently.

"Well well. I can tell you've stayed in shape and you've gotten taller and more muscular as well." Jake says with a chuckle. Aden sighs and shakes his head clearly unamused with his friend. "I know what you want. I'm not fighting you. If you think I am then your more immature than the last time I saw you." Aden says turning around and being to walk back twords the cafeteria.

"Your welcome to hang out with us. We are friends but I have no intention of humoring your impulses." Jake flinches and his eye twitches a slight bit. "You can't walk away form who you are!" He says moving swiftly and throwing a punch at Aden's head. Aden glances back and side steps his friends swing. Jake notices a blur but he suddenly falls to his knees form being hit in the gut only for Aden to follow up his first blow by kneeing the side of Jake's head his eyes still have open unamused with Jake's shenanigans.

"Happy?" He says in a huff. "Darling?" Mio says as she walks forward to his side and looking at Jake who is trying to stand while clutching his gut. "Darling? Your dating this spoiled ritch girl?" He coughing. "Hmpt." Mio says crossing her arms and turning away. "You got your fight Jake." I say turning away as Mio follows closely. "I can't believe you think he's a friend." She says as she wraps her arm around my arms.

Jake watches as he tries to stand up again. "Get back here Aden. I'm not..." He staggers and falls back onto his knee. "Damn it." He says giving up... For now. Mio and I twords our class. "Why do you humor him Aden? He's just going to be a nuisance to you... To the others." She says nervously. I sigh, "I understand... But he's a good person... He's just being himself. Give him some time and he'll drop it soon enough." I say nodding my head. Mio sighs, "I really hope your right..."

She says as we take our seats. After awhile of sitting in class Mio and I part ways to head off to our different classes for us to meet again at lunch. Mio hums happily as she heads twords the lunchroom. Lunch has already started and the hall has become desolate.

Students were already out of class and most teachers are either in the lunchroom supervising the students or in there classes grading papers, however this hall was desolate as it had problems with leaky pipes. "You know, with how much money that is pumped into this school you'd think the pipes wouldn't bust so easily." Jake says as he stands in Mio's way.

Mio scoffs, "What the hell do you want?" She says crossing her arms. Jake chuckles, "Damn you've got a mouth on you... So your the reason Aden isn't going to fight me." He says, Mio chuckles and pushes her hair behind her ear. "Please. Aden dosen't want to fight you because he's more mature. Unlike you."

She says with a cocky smile. Jake grits his teeth and charges at Mio throwing a punch at her, Mio simply side steps his swing and pushes him back throwing him onto the floor. "What? Are you trying to prove?" She says as Jake gets up and throws another punch this time with more power and strategy in his punches. Mio parrys his fist and repost by striking him with her palm.

"Your not tough Jake." Jake glares up at her and in a flash her lunges up at her slashing her with a switch blade he had hidden in his pocket. At first Mio looks unimpressed, it would heal in a moment she thought as she suddenly falls to her knees. "S-silver?!" She said under her breath trying not to scream form pain. "It... It burns!"

She says as blood pours down her face. The silver not only stoped the wound form healing but also has started to burn away at her face causing more blood to spill down her face. "Jake chuckles as he wipes some blood form his lower lip.

"This blade was the first thing i ever stole. A pure silver spoon that I had melted into a switch blade. Mio staggers up her hand covering her face with her hand her skin sizzles as the silver constantly burns away at her flesh. Mio turns and turns crying at the pain as Jake smirks,

"Lets see if Aden can handle seeing his bimbo hurt." Jake says walking twords the lunchroom. Aden sits in the lunch room Ri. "Where is she?" He says looking around for Mio. "Why bother with that blood sucker my darling?" Ri says dragging her finger along his cheek leading his gaze twords her.

"Im worried for Mio... She hasn't showed up yet. She always does." Aden says turning his attention back twords the door. Jake walks into the lunchroom yawning. "Hey guys." He says rubbing his eyes as he sits down next to J and Nate. "Oh... Umm hey Jake." Nate says awkwardly, Amir stares at Jake. "So your... Jake?" He asks, Jake stops rubbing his eyes and glances at Amir.

"Amir right? Nate and J say your some prince. So why the hell are you here?" He asks turning twords Amir with a smirk, Jakes smirk made Amir's eyes twitch with annoyance. "I also heard you were a... Well I guess your not a decent fighter if Aden had to-" Amir lunges at Jake only for J and Nate to leap to hold him back all the while Jake leans back and puts a toothpick form his pocket into his mouth.

"Huh... Either your weaker than i thought, or J and Nate have been working out." Ri looks over at the three form her spot with Aden, "Why are the children you call friends so immature, Aden?" Aden gets up tired and worried about Mio. Ri sighs and turn her attention back to J, Nate, Amir and Jake. "Well... At least these four mortals are... Slightly entertaining." Ri thinks to herself.

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