Day 2

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As the sunlight peered into eevee's eyes he slowly rose from his sleeping position and to his surprise Riolu was excitedly waiting "morning sleepy head" eevee walked out groggily while the Riolu was bursting with energy "how are you so energetic?" He said barley keeping his eyes open "because there is so much to do I can't help but be excited" he rushed out of the log "come on come on come on" eevee smiled a little, the Riolu's energy was admirable "well we should probably go get some food after getting thrown off a cliff im pretty hungry" the eevee noted as he started to pad off into the forest the Riolu right behind him. As the pair continued through the wood eevee spots a berry out of his reach "give me a boost" the Riolu requests upon also spotting the berry, as requested Eevee got down and the Riolu quickly hops off his friend and grabs the berry "whoa" the eevee is quite surprised by his elegance "here you go" the Riolu holds it in front of the eevee "don't you want it?" The eevee was confused by the action "I'll just find another one" he chuckles  as eevee eats the berry still pondering the Riolu's behaviour. After finishing the berry he notices the Riolu also ate a berry he could tell from the berry juice covering his mouth which he quickly wiped away "so we gonna gather more food?" The Riolu's tail was wagging and so was eevee's slightly maybe he was rubbing off on the Riolu "yeah it's good to have a supply" he smiled a little and got up to smell the air and when he was sure there was no danger he continued helping Riolu reach the berries till they had a pile it took them five trips to bring them back but on the last trip they saw a sperrow taking a berry "damn scavenger" eevee cursed the bird "hold on" Riolu seemed to have been preparing something as stars fly out of him before flying and hitting the sperrow knocking it and the berry which he quickly catches down "you can use swift?" Eevee was impressed "yeah I could teach you if you want" he just smirked "I'll teach myself" Riolu shrugged as they finished their gathering "we could go exploring" when Riolu suggested this he growled lowly "Riolu no" Riolu was startled but soon started growling back "I've been listening to you why can't you listen to me?" Eevee's growled deepen "because wandering when not necessary will get us killed" Riolu turned away and hopped out of the log "FINE ILL GO ALONE THEN" he yelled "GO AHEAD" eevee was done with his childish behaviour but as Riolu stormed off he felt something like this hurt him, his emotions were all twisted but he just shrugged it off and retreated back into his log for a nice nap.

After a couple of hours of sleep he awoke but this time he didn't awake to a happy feeling and an excited Riolu he only awoke to sadness and loneliness but he soldiered on quickly entering into the forest on a mission for more food as his paws squished through the muddy ground the sky grey castings looming shadow like a bird of sadness hunting him. As he reaches a bush he desperately tries to reach the berries but can seem to reach "damn Riolu I need him" as he cursed Riolu he was a useful tool but was Riolu just a tool? Eevee started questioning his ideology and as he started heading back to the log he stopped "I suppose I do miss him I did feel safer with him but that was just because I had another pack member" as he gazed out into the forest he sighed and had made up his mind "stupid riolu" he rushed into the forest to look for the Riolu his paws rushing against the soft mossy floor and the crunchy leafs that cover it but as he continued his search a rustling came from behind him. Immediately turning around he leaps at whatever was in the bush it wasn't like him to just attack but he was already stressed out. As he pinned down what was in the bush he looks down to see a shivering Pikachu "oh" he slowly got off of the Pikachu "P-please dont kill me" she mumbles "I have no reason to kill you" she slightly calms down but is still visibly shaking "then why'd you attack me?" His tail thrashed impatiently "you scared me" she steps back "sorry" he growls as a great idea pops into his head "you're coming with me" she squeaks in panic "what?" His growl deepens "shut up you're coming with me" she silently approaches him and sniffs him "why?" She asks with concern on her face "we're looking for my friend" as he started walking further the Pikachu started following clearly too scared to resist and this made him proud. Entering a clearing the eevee felt off about the are he couldn't tell if the Pikachu was scared of him or whatever he sensed at this point, as a pebble fell he saw a baby kangaskan without its mother "where's your mother?" The child glared him down "dead" while Pikachu seemed taken aback eevee smirked "which means you're weak so get out of the way" the child chuckled at him "I might be but he isn't" he stomps his foot down on the rock to which it starts moving "oh shi-" before the eevee could finish his sentence he feels the rock bash into his chest sending him flying into a tree as he lands marking a visible dent he coughs up a little blood before turning to the pikachu "do something" but all the Pikachu could do was sit there and shiver which was not useful when the rock slammed its fist into Pikachu "a geodude" eevee observed as he felt his throat being grabbed "shit" the geodude starts floating forward dragging eevee on the ground. As eevee scratched and bite the geodude if felt like actual rock he didn't even dent it "geodude" he gets thrown over to Pikachu dust flying up from his impact "damn it we can't take that" eevee looked around for anything at all that could be of use "any ideas?" The Pikachu just went still shivering blood dripping from its mouth "fine I'll do this myself" he frantically looked around the clearing but could find nothing but upon looking back to geodude he was already getting pummelled again being beat into the ground more blood flying out of his mouth his as his vision blurs all he can hear is a faint ringing "I'm gonna die here" he thought to himself but as his consciousness faded he felt the brutal pounding stopped as he looked up he could slightly make out a shape "r-Riolu?" He could feel himself being lifted and set down "don't worry bud I'm here" he heard the familiar voice as his consciousness slipped from him he heard voice but they were faint before everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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