Chapter 7.

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Krishanya Bansal

Daksh I want to talk to you I messaged him.

After two hours his reply came and that too he was busy.
Another one said that anyway we are meeting tomorrow.

Daksh has started behaving very strangely for some time. Neither calls nor messages nor comes to meet. Don't know what happened to him. The functions are starting from tomorrow and I feel as if something is not right. Is he in any trouble?

A message came, this time it was my friend Sanvi, my best friend, my companion in every happiness and sorrow, my every ups and downs.
Hey how are you, and tomorrow is your sangeet Ceremony and today you are hanging out in the club with your fiance, you are very romantic.

What, are you crazy?  what nonsense are you talking, I am at home right now.

But some time ago I saw some girl going to the club with Daksh, I thought you were with her.I'll talk to you later. Mom's calling me.

He said that he was busy: Then he...
I messaged him Daksh where are you? no reply received.

Message popped up, in meeting.

Your meeting is being held in the club.

How do you know? 

My friend saw you going to the club.

Yes, you know  these days, these meetings are a common thing in clubs. Let's meet tomorrow, I'm in a meeting right now.

Mam, someone sent you some gifts and flowers. Please bring it here. Did Daksh sent all this, maybe.

Beautiful bouquet of flowers, chocolates, cute teddies, all this is so lovely. Now this is for sure him,  he knows how much I like all these things, I think Daksh has sent this.

Card? This is a get well soon card. I opened it and there was a message in it.

Hey Krishanya, how are you? I just came to know that your health is bad. Is everything ok? Do you still feel uncomfortable? I hope you get well soon.
Anyways, all the functions start from tomorrow and if only the bride is ill then how will everyone else enjoy? I am waiting for you to get well. Tomorrow we will have a great time at the sangeet ceremony.
Your dear friend, your Advait ji.

Advait ji? How did he know the truth. He's very good person. Whoever marries him will be so lucky. I am starting to feel jealous of that lucky girl.

Author's pov :

Now who should tell this silly girl?
That he gives his life to her. That's he's only her.
That means our Krishanya is feeling jealous of herself.
Let's see what happened next.

Advait Singhania

Did you get my message?

Yes, how did you know that I am not well?

Your parents told me that he was waiting for you. But then I found out that you were not feeling well.

Tell me how you felt. Did you like it?

How can one not feel like a letter sent with so much love? Even my fiance didn't care that much.
These chocolates are very good, she changed the topic, maybe the truth came out.

And I will never separate these tedds from me.
And your caring and lovely message, let me tell you that because of you I am feeling very good now.

I smiled because she liked it, that's what I wanted.

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