Chapter 5

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As soon as Y/n approached the class she's

been searching for, she walked through the door and saw-

something not so unexpected- a whole world war 3.

There were guys folding paper planes, and

throwing them at students, that then lectured them,

and 2 students yelling at eachother such stuff like 'Fuck off!' or 'You dumbass!'.

There were also students jumping on the desks, while some girls

were making some tiktok dances with boys drooling at them.

Only 3 or 4 people were acting like actual normal people,

that sat politely at their desks. Y/n was one of them,

as she immediately held her bag close and walked

towards an empty seat, as she plopped down on it, placing

her elbows on the desk.

It seems that the teacher didnt arrive yet, no wonder the class

is a whole hell.

Y/n merely accepted the noise, and placed her head sideways on

her desk, as her right cheek squished against it.

She sighed in annoyance, as she then got distracted by a sudden voice.

"Helloooo, fucking weeb."

Scaramouche said, who just plopped down on the empty seat behind Y/n, with his legs on

the desk and hands behind his head.

Y/n her eyebrows raised, then furrowed as she glared at Scaramouche's grin.

"What are you doing there... go take an other seat away from me.."

Y/n commented, sitting formally on her seat while crossing her arms and glaring

at Scaramouche.

Scaramouche just snickered, and gave her his signature smirk.

"And miss the opportunity to annoy the shit out of you? In your


Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You're fucking irritating" 

She mumbled.

Just when Y/n thought that the loud chaos

would never end, and that Scaramouche's annoying comments wouldnt stop,

 thedesignated teacher of the class just entered

through the doors, making everyone go silent.

Everyone quickly plopped on an empty seat,

acting like they did not just make

loud earbreaking noise.

It seems that their teacher has an intimidating knowance.

Y/n let out a rellieved sigh, as she thought that

the noise would never end. The teacher cleared her throat,

and stood in a formal stance infront of the class.

"The fact that i think about you often...disgusts me" || Scara x female Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now