Is Mr.Raisinghania in love ?

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Vansh takes Riddhima in his lap then enters into the bedroom..
He places her on the bed..
She is continuously murmuring that please address me as a Characteless girl..
Unknowingly tears rolls down from Vansh's eyes to see her condition..
Only he is responsible for this , he sent a letter to Kabir to trap him.. Today his mission becomes successfull but he is not feeling any joy.
His heart is aching to think about the separation with Riddhima for forever..
In last few days this girl changed the environment of this house..
He feels peace to return in home like those golden days of childhood..
He covers the blanket on her body...
--- " Sorry Riddhima ! I forced to make this type of situation to fulfill my sister 's wish..
I promised to my parents that I always make my younger sister happy..
Today her happiness became ' Kabir ' so , anyhow I have to bring Kabir for her..
Tomorrow her wedding , my little girl is going to be someone's wife.. I hope this new life will make you a responsible woman.. "

Vansh calls Anger to come in his house immediately..
Then he calls Disouza to give this good news to Siya when Siya will come back from her night club..

_______ Angre enters into the room..
Vansh was standing in front of the window , without look at backside , he understands Angre came to hear his foot steps..
---- " Angre ! you are with me from last ten years.m
I never considered you as my Colleague , I treat you as my friend , like my brother..
So , I want to share some personal issues with you as I'm feeling guilty...
You knew very well that I done this marriage with Riddhima , just for Siya's happiness .
Tomorrow Kabir is going to marry my sister Siya..
Now my mission is successful..

Angre ( laughs ) : Congratulations ! Again it proved that Vansh Raisinghania never looses..
But I don't understand why you are feeling ' guilty ' ?

Vansh : I'm feeling guilty as I used Riddhima in my mission..
I done marriage drama with her..
Riddhima is very innocent girl..
I want to give her responsibility to you..
I know you can take care of her better than me..
You know her smile is so sweet , when she smiles this house becomes heaven by her presence..
She is holy and pure as River Ganges..
We never spend a night in same room..
You please believe me..
She is very responsible girl , you were finding girl for marriage..
I'm promising you that you will not get any better girl than Riddhima..

Angre ( interrupts ) : Okay.. Okay..
I understood / Angre giggles /

Vansh ( angrily ) : Why you are laughing ?
Please listen my words carefully..
Believe me that Riddhima is a very good girl..

Angre ( laughs ) : Okay... Okay..

Vansh ( angrily ) : You first listen to me..
Don't interrupt..

Angre holds his hand..
--- " look at yourself..
You are shivering...
Areeyy ! Your pulse rate is so high..
Please sit down../ Angre forcefully makes her sit down on the couch /
Will you take water ? "

Vansh angrily looks at Angre..
--- " I'm not joking.. You don't meet with her , so you are laughing like this..
If you see her then you will become senseless.. "
Vansh makes pout to say this..

Angre chuckles to see Vansh's expression...
He thinks to irritate him more..

Angre : If I became senseless then how I will marry her 🙄 I have many wild desires which I want to fulfill on the first night of my weddings 😛 I hope her body is sexy..

Vansh 'anger flames out..
He holds his collar..
--- " How dare you to say this kind of words about her ?
I will kill you.. "

Angre laughs..
--- " Areeyy ! Buddy cool down..
Riddhima is Vansh Raisinghania ki Dulhaniya only..
I just examined you and I'm right..
You are in love Mr.Vansh Raisinghania..
You should admit it that you fall in love...

Vansh ( shockingly ) : can't love Riddhima..

Angre : Why not ? You consider this marriage is real and continue it for forever , what needs to say her that it was just a marriage drama ? I never heard that Vansh Raisinghania is praising any girl..
Riddhima is surely precious girl..
Please don't let her go from your life..
wrap her in your embrace for forever..
Make this relationship true..

Vansh ( angrily ) : No..I can't continue this marriage as I promised someone..

Angre ( shockingly ) : " Promise "

Vansh ( scrims ) : Angre ! You go away from here..


Next day :

Riddhima opens her eyes..
She shockingly looks at surroundings..
She looks at the clock...
---- " What is happening with me ?
Why I am feeling so weak ?
Isn't I took my dinner last night ? "
She tries to remember about last night then she remembers about the dreadful night of her life..
--- " Vansh thought me wrong then ----
How I came back into the room ?
When I fall asleep ?
Is he understood that I didn't do anything wrong ?
Vansh ! "

Riddhima gets down from the bed..
She opens the door..
She runs on the corridor but she feels shock to see the house is decorated by flowers so beautifully..
Her eyes becomes shock in wonder...
Suddenly she notices Disouza is serving the tea to the event manager..
She runs towards her..

Riddhima ( takes deep breath ) : Mrs.Disouza ! What is happening in the house ?

Disouza : Aren't you know that Siya mam 's marriage fixed today only ?

Riddhima ( shockingly ) : Siya's marriage !
Suddenly !
Who's the groom ?

Disouza ( laughs ) : You knew the groom very well..
Your Professor Kabir..

Riddhima ( surprisingly ) : What ?
Kabir Sir !

Riddhima thuds on the floor..

Disouza ( shockingly ): What happened Riddhima mam ?
Mam ! Take this water..
Why you are looking so pale ?

Meanwhile Vansh comes there..
---- " Hey ! Mrs. RAISINGHANIA ! Why you are sitting like this ? Get ready fast..
You have to welcome the groom..
After all you are the daughter-in-law of this house and you have the only right to welcome in your brother -in-law..

Riddhima ( cries ) : This can't be happen..

Vansh ( laughs ) : Why ? Your Kabir Sir only said that he will marry Siya..

Riddhima ( shockingly ) : What ?
Kabir Sir ! said this..

_____ : On the other side :-

Kabir is getting ready..
--- " Siya Raisinghania ! Get ready to go in hell..
From today your punishment is starting..
You and your brother destroyed my life..
Now I will not leave you.. "
🎶Dau digi digi dau Dau 🎶

Precap : Siya's new happy marriage life starts 😉

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