🍽💌 will you stay ?

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‘ situationship ’

the word sounds very familiar doesn't it? it has became a very trendy word nowadays among the youths. and taehyung was very aware of it too with the constant reels been shown up on his instagram feed liked by his classmates . 

if someone had asked him about his opinion about the term few days ago then he surely would have laughed it off with saying that's just a pure bullshit ; a trendy virus infecting everyone . 

but right now maybe not… 

when he could feel the feather-ish touch of lips on his neck drawing an unknown shiver within him, the adrenaline rushes are everywhere that was heating up his body with each second passing by. 

“ j-jungkook ” he squirmed out at the tingling pain as the aforementioned male's teeth was grazing on his skin with an intention to paint his honey-glazed skin with his bite marks. 

taehyung's heart and brain seemed to stay frozen as they battled among themselves to decide if he should let whatever is happening to continue or push the younger away from him and run back to his hotel . 

not sure about heart or brain, the pleasure running in the veins seemed to win against everything . 

shaky breathes kept leaving pass taehyung's luscious lips as the younger's lips travelled on his skin eliciting goosebumps there. the touches felt too sweet and sensual for the older's poor heart. 

his body went limp against the younger's embrace as his lips kept heaving out some sinful noises that seemed to please jungkook's ego . 

taehyung felt like a toddler in front of jungkook, so inexperienced innocent and wary with his moves that there's a constant frown now plastered across his face .

inexperienced and wary is alright but he was nowhere near innocent. being a part of his high school's ‘ horny virgin squad’, he had learned enough all thanks to his classmates. 

he would be lying if he didn't had so many fantasies written in his brain but he certainly isn't sure if jungkook was ever any part of them. 

cause whatever is happening right now, he surely neither fantasized nor thought of ever. but he surely has given in the urge of desires. 

taehyung looked up at the younger under his long lashes with uneven breath when he felt the other stopping his movements and a lingering stare on his face . 

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