🍽💌 still with you

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“ jungkook can you pass me the salt? ”

the aforementioned male nodded and passed the salt immediately to his friend slash co worker. he checked the clock and clicked his tongue, there's still an hour left till his shift will be over. he wants nothing but to go to the club beside their hotel right now and drink till his heart is full.

“ are you thinking of going to the club tonight? ” jimin, jungkook's coworker asked after noticing the younger chewing on his lower lip with a frown, he always does that when he's thinking about something too much . jungkook glanced at him and nodded, “ you know as usual ”

“ of course i know you are a party beast! since last year we both came to mexico there's very rare days when you don't crash a party , typical you ” jimin said with a fond eye roll and then added, “ the thing is, i am also thinking of going to the party tonight ”

“ woah had enough of your hobi baby? ” jungkook asked teasingly, earning a smack on his bicep from the shorter male,
“ i can never get enough of him! leave my boyfriend alone from our conversation and let me finish first! my cousin is also going to join our hotel from tomorrow so he called me earlier asking if i can join him to have some conversation about how our jobs work here, he's been at paris and few other countries before so he wants to know about here beforehand to avoid messing things up ”

“ okay? ” jungkook muttered uncertainly and jimin rolled his eyes again, “ let me finish my sentence first dumbass ! so i will be meeting him at the club where we usually go so i was thinking about going there together with you. you can also meet him, your new coworker and enjoy the night with drinks, maybe hook up with someone too ”

“ you know i don't do hookups anymore hyung ” jungkook replied in a stern voice making jimin's brows pulled together, “ and i don't get it why you don't? is it because of taehyung? ”

the younger's feet glued to the ground , hearing the name even after three years still makes him feel an unknown shiver going down his spine, his heart go fuzzy with a beautiful feeling .

it's been two years since he completed his studies and it's been a year since he shifted to mexico because of his job. he's now a chef and with a few more months being in the field, he will be promoted to the head chef's post .

he isn't permanent here, he will eventually change his job location again when he will be offered for better positioned jobs . jimin had the same plan like him but the older has now dropped all of his previous plans and is currently thinking of staying here till hoseok, his boyfriend is gonna stay being the manager of the hotel or until he resigns for any other reasons .

he met jimin at seoul during the internship. jimin joined just a week after taehyung left. his and jimin's friendship didn't bloomed at the beginning magically but later the two found themselves from the same hometown so they started talking and their friendship grew closer with time .

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