Chapter Thirty-three

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"You're the one who stole my jewelry?" The furious woman approached the trembling housekeeper, shaking her finger in the girl's face. Despite Stephlon and the security guard's efforts to restrain her, Mrs. Smith continued to shout obscenities at the girl, who was too frightened to look up from the floor.

"Mrs. Smith, I know you're upset, but we can't accuse the housekeeper without proof," Stephlon said gently, her friend smile and compassionate tone doing little to calm Mrs. Smith's ire. The woman continued to berate the trembling housekeeper, her voice growing louder and more shrill with each accusation. Even as the security guard stood between them, Mrs. Smith glared at the poor girl, her eyes full of rage.

Stephlon's normally calm demeanor was starting to fray. She whispered to one of the house keepers, "Take her to the changing room." Her eyebrows were knotted together in a frown, her friendly demeanor quickly replaced by an icy coldness. She had tried her best to appease Mrs. Smith, but the woman was intent on causing a scene.

"Louisa, please take a few of your colleagues and thoroughly search the suspected thief's locker," Stephlon instructed, her tone firm but still empathetic. Then, addressing the rest of the staff, she continued, "The rest of you, please come with me. We need to search Mrs. Smith's room." As the team dispersed, she could feel the tension in the air, and her concern for both the victim and the accused only grew.

Mrs. Smith's room had been a beautiful sanctuary, with a large, plush bed and curtains drawn against the harsh sunlight. The pillows on the couch had been neatly arranged, and everything had been in its proper place. Now, the room was a scene of disarray. The pillows were scattered across the floor, the curtains had been ripped from the rod, and the drawers of the dresser hung open, their contents spilling onto the floor. The room's former beauty had been replaced by a chaotic mess, a stark reminder of the recent violence that had occured there.

As soon as Stephlon and the other housekeepers entered the room, they were stuck by the shocking sight before them. The once-tidy room was now a disheveled mess, with pillows ripped open and feathers scattered across the floor. Their eyebrows furrowed in confusion and dismay, they took in the extent of the damage. The walls were marked with deep scratches, and the furniture was overturned, as if a battle had been waged within the room.

Although they were not the ones who had cleaned Mrs. Smith's room, the few housekeepers with Stephlon could feel their hearts sink as they took in the devastation. They had sent their fair share of messy rooms in there time, but this was different. They knew it wasn't there fault,  and they were being paid to clean up the mess, but it was still a disheartening sight. It was like watching there hard work go down the drain. 

With a deep breath, Stephlon forced herself to focus on the task at hand. "Let's get to work," she said, trying to rally the other housekeepers who were still reeling from the shock of the scene before them. As they started to move forward, Stephlon heard a crunch beneath her foot. She looked down and saw shards of glass glinting up at her. The violence of the room's destruction was becoming clearer.

They all went about looking through everywhere searching for a necklace, from the under the couch to the dressing table, they all searched hard knowing that their job depended on it. Mrs. Smith stood by the door step watching them search her room, she was annoyed because she had already searched the room and found nothing, which only strengthened her urge that her necklace was in fact stolen.

With grim determination, the housekeepers began their search. They checked every nook and cranny, moving furniture, flipping cushions, and ransacking her closet. Mrs. Smith hovered by the door, watching their every move. She was frustrated and suspicious, convinced that her precious necklace had been stolen. But the housekeepers pressed on, knowing that their jobs were on the line if they couldn't find the missing item.

Louisa approached Stephlon with a heavy heart. "Steph, it's not in her locker," she said, her voice tinged with resignation. The whole situation was spiraling out of control, and she could feel the tension in the room. The young housekeeper had insisted on her innocence, but the evidence seemed to point to her. Louisa wished there was something they could do to fix the situation, but she felt like they were at a dead end.

"You find it because it was always here" Stephlon said, her voice heavy with relief. The tension in the room eased as she stood from the effort of searching. As she walked away from the bed.

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Love from Stepher ❤️

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