~𝒩𝒾𝒸𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝑜𝓊𝓉~

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It was a bit of a chilly day in Yokohama today, the refreshing autumn breezes were relaxing. Not forgetting the beautiful, multi-colour leaves that got caught up in the wind. The orange hue leaves were dancing in the wind.

A bright, cheery boy was skipping his way to a hat shop and waving at people, his blonde locks swaying whilst his joyful smile outshined the sun's.

His eyes lit up like fireworks when he saw the Mr-fancy-hat. His face sparkled with joy, enthusiastically waving his hand. Even though they both planned to meet each other, it still made Kenji sparkle with joy whenever he see's the ginger.

"Hello Chuuya-san!"

"Hey kid!"

This got to be one of the best days for Kenji himself, he meeting the person whose hat never comes off, after asking Chuuya to go to the hat shop then the other clothes shop.

Strolling through the streets, Kenji was gushing about all the new facts about cows, whilst Chuuya couldn't help but slip a smile away.

When they reach the hat shop, Kenji tries on all the pretty hats, one which was a pure white hat with beige (fake) flowers that drooped from the side, with some pearls hanging off. Well he wanted to see Chuuya wearing it and it fitted on him perfectly, the colour scheme complimented Chuuya ocean, blue eyes and contrasting to his colour of his ability.

The blonde soon tried on this velvet material, teacup hat with ruffles at the end trim, Chuuya knew that the hat looked so cute on him and it was the best for tea parties.

After trying on about dozens of hats, whilst buying two of them, they both soon took their leave, carefully placing the hats in the bags. Chuuya couldn't help but inviting Kenji to future tea parties with Kyouka. You couldn't blame him the hat he brought literally was highlighted for cute, tea parties with friends with them scones.

Kenji was skipping next to Chuuya and blabbering about what happened today whilst Chuuya listened to all of it.

"Me, Atsushi and Tanazaki lost this valuable file, Atsushi was very sad and almost started crying then panicking with Tanazaki. Then I remembered that Kunikida used to say retrack your steps to remember something, I think that was. In the end we found the file, and everyone was happy so we went to the nearest dessert shop and had a nice cake."

Chuuya wasn't really aware of the other members but he couldn't care less, it was always nice to hear the lil punk talking about his day. The ginger wanted Kenji to never lose that smile on his face and wished that there were more people like him in the world.

A familiar tune caught both of their ears, it was the ICE CREAM TRUCK!!

"Lil punk you want to get some ice cream."

Kenji nodded enthusiastically, jumping up and down in the line besides the red head.

The menus were colourful, catching the eyes of young children, eagerly pointing to their parents which one they wanted. Kenji and Chuuya opted for the classic flake with ice cream, red and blue sauce mixing together and a whole load of sprinkles.

His eyes shone at the sight of the ice cream, thanking Chuuya while eating it very messily. Wiping his mouth with some tissue however Kenji gained even more stains but he was laughing at the ice cream mustache Kenji had. He then copied him with the ice cream mustache, making them both matching.

They soon reached a nearby park, it was called Yamashita park. Strolling through, the ginger couldn't help but adore all the range of flowers. A few birds were also gathered at this park, Kenji being Kenji wanted to make friends with all the new birdies. However, all the birds were frightened at the lightning force of happiness, so they leaped in the air when they spotted Kenji skipping towards them.

The blonde tried not let that make him lose the smile on his face so he opted to ask Chuuya on why the birds didn't like him.

"Chuuya-san why didn't the birds wanted to be friends."

Ruffling his hair, he replied," Well lil punk, birds are very frightened creatures and they think that you might attack them."

Looking him in the eyes of wonder of why birds think that they might attack them. Chuuya knowing this continued," Hey how about next time we can bring bird seeds and feed the birds together, birds always loved to be fed."

Kenji was back thinking about the positive things he can do with the birds and making sure to remember what food birds love the most.

The older one was leading them to extraordinary, round shaped fountain. The specs of water glistening when having contact of the sun and producing beautiful rays of light. The fountain was surrounded by a deep pond, with benches all around it, and the familiar scent of flowers filling the aroma in the air. They both sat at the benches, Kenji couldn't help dipping his hands in the refreshing water and dazing at the wobbly picture of himself reflected by the water.

"Hey, usually people throw a penny and make a wish wanna try with me," said Chuuya while grabbing some pennies from his purse. Eagerly reaching his hands to grab holds of the penny, the boy whispered a heart-warming wish, then throwing it gracefully in the water, watching the water embrace the same. Chuuya did the same as this, as he muttered his wish.

Staring at Kenji, Chuuya couldn't help but ponder on what life would be different if he never joined the mafia but lived a honest, good life. Where he could have had the chance of adopting Kenji, he was pretty sure he was an orphan. His mind still racing, if he never was kidnapped to be a vessel for destruction or where he was an civilian who worked in a simple, safe environment where killing wasn't necessary.

Brushing his thoughts before, Chuuya quickly says that you can't tell other people your wish unless if it was filled. Chuuya didn't really knew the whole concept of wishes but he had hoped to introduce it to the kid, he would love it.

Every beginning has an ending and every morning has night so strolling down the streets, Chuuya taking the lil punk back home to his agency while the petite mafioso starts his brutal job.

"Bye Chuuya-san."

"Bye kid."

Taking his leave, the ginger started to saunters back to his work. As the day soon sets, the night begins, with the moon glimmering from above. Chuuya had a gut feeling that today was going to be peaceful night, he really did need peace in his job.



This was kind of rush, but I hope you enjoyed this. I don't see many stories of Kenji and Chuuya friendship, pls recommend any stories with their friendship in.

Their wishes...... Chuuya wanted Kenji to have a good life ahead of him, Kenji wished that everyone he loves are happy in the future.

🄱🅂🄳 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼, 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓼 Ⓑⓨ Ⓑⓛⓐⓘⓡ ~~Where stories live. Discover now