Chapter 10

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Engfa couldn't believe how bold her girlfriend could be sometimes. She had spent months flirting with Charlotte and each time the younger woman would blushed or even take a step back, like she was afraid that Engfa would jump on her. But now that they were together she wasn't playing shy anymore.

E 🐶🤍 : Oh, I will punish you alright, after what you did on Friday and today
C 🐰🤍 : Today? What did I do today?
E 🐶🤍 : You stood me up

"What do you mean I stood you up?" Charlotte asked as soon as her girlfriend picked up her call.

"We need to talk about bathroom protocole."

"What?! Oh... Oooooh... So the fans on TikTok were right..."

"Yes they were, Nuu. I waited for you for a good five minutes." Engfa explained.

"I'm sorry, Teerak. I didn't get it. I'm not used to this... bathroom protocole. And when I saw the edits on social media I thought that people were making things up. And I danced with a man while you were waiting for me. I'm a terrible girlfriend..." she was rambling again.

"Nuu, calm down, you're not a terrible girlfriend. I love you. You have a lot to learn and that's ok."

"So you'll be punishing me twice as hard because I embarrassed you during live AND because I left you all alone in the restroom?" Charlotte asked.

"Why do you sound happy about it?"

Charlotte giggled then changed the subject. They talked some more before hanging up and went to sleep.

The following week, the girls were once again forced apart by their jobs. When they would call or facetime, the conversation was always serious or endearing. But every single night of this week, right before bed, Charlotte would send a really hot picture of herself to Engfa. After hanging up with her girlfriend, the younger woman would take some time to capture her beautiful features in a new way and would send it to Engfa with a naughty text attached to it. She wanted to keep on teasing her until she would lose control and ride all the way to Charlotte's condo to punish her for good.

Even if the idea had crossed her mind a few times, Engfa stayed strong. She would never reply to what Charlotte was sending her right before she went to sleep. She knew what Charlotte was trying to do. She would get fully punished at the right time. And not commenting on the really hot content she was sending her was kind of a small punishment on its own. She would however keep all those pictures and would look at them when she needed to unwind after a long day at work.

The good news was that Boss Nawat had planned a party on Saturday at a club downtown, with Top 10 of MGT22 and MGT23. So Engfa and Charlotte would spend the evening together and they would be able to see their friends all at once. The week went painfully slowly, the girls were chatting online more than ever, happy to get all together, asking what the others would wear.

Saturday evening, everybody gathered at the club. They were all stunning. Engfa was wearing a short black pair of overalls with gold heels and a small Chanel purse with a golden chain. Charlotte couldn't help but gazed at her girlfriend's legs with needy eyes. Engfa saw her stare and went to hug her quickly.

"You look so good, Nuu. I love that skirt."

Charlotte smiled, wrapped in Engfa's arms. She had put on a black school girl skirt and a shirt covered with gold sequins. She was wearing her favorite pair of black boots, looking cute, sexy and a little grunge.

"I love it when our outfits match!" the younger woman said joyfully.

"Guess we're really made for each other." Engfa replied, kissing her cheek.

"Hi giiiirls!" Nudee broke their embrace almost throwing herself in their arms, with a beaming smile on her face.

They moved across the club to get to their friends. Charlotte was so happy to be reunited with Marima, Heidi, Aoom and Meena. Engfa was already getting crazy with Nudee and Snack even before Boss Nawat had made his speech. After some time, the DJ turned the music off, explaining to the clients dancing around that MGT's CEO would take the mic for a few minutes. The girls approached the lighted area and listened to Nawat's speech. Five minutes later everyone in the club was cheering and clapping loudly. The DJ put a new song on and the club went back to party mode. The MGT girls however were all hugging with tears in their eyes as Boss Nawat's speech got them all really emotional. He thanked the 20 girls for all their hard work, praised their beauty and talents, encouraged them to do better and asked them to always support each other. He then proceeded to announce that MGT had a special plan for next year and that every single one of them would be hired for this secret project. Both Top 10 were so excited and moved by the speech as they went to the counter to get drinks.

The night was fun. Charlotte caught up with Marima and Heidi, gossiping like they used to. Engfa was dancing with Nudee and Tina, being half sexy and half mad like they always did. Charlotte joined them on the dancefloor later, helping Aoom who was trying to force Meena to dance with them. At some point, the DJ put Ta Lueng Baby on. All the MGT girls screamed and the ones that were scattered all around the club flew to the dancefloor, forming a circle around Engfa, dancing together like there was no tomorrow. When the song ended Nudee threw both hands in the air, waving to everyone that it was time to stop and screamed.


Her friends followed her towards the counter and they queued together behind a large group of people already waiting to get some drinks. They kept on chatting, trying to hear what the others were saying with the loud music around them.

"I'm going to go to the restroom. Tina, get us a few bottles of wine, please!" Engfa said, giving her friend a stack of bills then excusing herself from the group.

Charlotte knew she had to follow her girlfriend. She couldn't pass on the occasion to try and follow the bathroom protocole. The club was crowded and dark, so even though she doubted someone was filming her, she couldn't risk being made fun of on social media, in any way. She had to act smoothly and quickly.

"Nudee! Did Marima tell you about her new boyfriend Apo?!" she asked, throwing her best friend under the bus.

"WHAT?!" she screamed in shock.

"Charlotte!!!" Marima slapped her arm.

Charlotte wanted to slap her back but Nudee was already all over Marima, asking a million questions. So Charlotte stepped back and rushed to the restroom. She found Engfa washing her hands, meeting her eyes in the mirror. Engfa turned around, dried her hands, giving her girlfriend a small head nod. She was happy that Charlotte had followed her, she took her hand, inviting her inside one of the stalls, locking the door behind them.

The music was loud, even in the restroom, so their moans were inaudible. They were making out for a good five minutes now. Charlotte had opened most of the buttons on her girlfriend's overalls, both her hands massaging her breasts. Engfa broke their kiss, took a step back and looked at Charlotte. She grabbed the hem of her skirt, lifting it above her waist.

"Hold it for me, please?" she asked.

Charlotte did as she was told, really eager to have her girlfriend in between her legs. Engfa crouched down, pushed her panties to the side and started kissing Charlotte's pussy. The young woman held her skirt up with one hand, grabbing onto Engfa's head with the other as she let pleasure invade her.

But all of the sudden, Engfa got up and started to fumble in her small handbag. She took out a pair of tiny training shorts.

"Hold this for me, will you?" she asked her girlfriend.

"What is this for?"

"You'll see, be patient."

Charlotte took the workout shorts, watching her lover still roaming inside her bag. Then she saw her opening a small plastic container, getting a smooth but weirdly curved turquoise object from inside.

"Is that a sex toy?" she asked intrigued.

"Yes, one point for you!" Engfa joked, putting the container back inside her bag.

She crouched down again and resumed pleasuring Charlotte with her tongue. When she felt she was ready, she pushed one end of the small toy inside her soaked sex, until the curved part was pushing slightly on her g-spot. Outside, the other end was all snuggled against her clit, making Charlotte moan deep.

"How do you feel?" she asked

"G... good."

Engfa took the pair of shorts from her hand, stretched the material to the maximum and helped her girlfriend into it. She brought the tiny shorts up Charlotte's legs, put her panties back in place and secured the toy with the shorts, taking her time when her hands went over her girlfriend's ass.

"What is this for?" Charlotte asked quite frustrated to be fully dressed again.

Engfa didn't answer. She kissed her sensually while closing her overalls buttons. Charlotte was lost in the kiss, squeezing her pelvic muscles around the toy inside her. She sighed when Engfa stepped back again, still looking through her purse.

"We need the shorts to hold the toy in place." she said, her phone in her hand.

"Why don't you hold it yourself?" Charlotte asked, a daring look in her eyes.

"Cause I need my hands to do this." typing her fingers on the screen.

Charlotte closed her eyes and gasped when she felt the toy starting to vibrate inside of her. This took her by surprise. It was her first time using a sex toy with Engfa and she never thought that this would happen outside of their bedrooms.

Suddenly, someone banged on the door, screaming.

"Get out, I need to pee!"

"We need to go back." Engfa said, adjusting her girlfriend's skirt, stealing one quick kiss from her lips and dragging her out of the stall.

They got back into the crowd of people. Charlotte had a hard time focusing on what was happening, her body reacting to the sensations between her legs.

"Wait, I can't walk around all these people and our friends with this vibrator in my panties! What if I can't hold it and come?" she asked in Engfa's ear.

"Oh but I expect you to come, Nuu. Several times. This is your punishment. You have to keep this toy inside of your delicious pussy for one hour. The shorts will prevent it from getting out even if you come hard." her lover explained into her ear.

Engfa looked down at her phone and swiped her index up once. Charlotte felt the vibrator go faster inside her instantly. She grabbed onto her girlfriend's arm, biting back a moan, her eyes widening.

"This is torture, Teerak." she said, her voice betraying her emotions. She was in shock, kind of ashamed and aroused all at the same time.

"This is what you get for trying to toy with me during the live. I'm gonna go catch up with Tina, she must have the wine now. Don't you dare take it out yourself before the hour is over." and with that she left Charlotte and headed to the counter.

She hadn't taken one single step when the young woman heard "Hey CharChar!!".

She turned around, Aoom and Meena were coming right at her, really happy to have found their friend. They grabbed her by the waist and dragged her to a nearby table.

"Come on, Charlotte Austin, sit with us!" Aoom said, giving her friend a glass of white wine.

Charlotte sat down, focusing on not moaning as the toy moved a little around her clit. She breathed in deeply. She could manage this. The vibration was good but not unbearable and if she were to keep her focus on her friends she could maybe take this only as a nice massage and not let herself come. Maybe nobody would notice. She was so thankful for the loud music and the cushions on the seats though.

The three of them were talking for a couple of minutes when the outside part of the toy also started to vibrate. Charlotte couldn't help but jerk at the sensation.

"What happened?" Aoom asked, somewhat worried for her friend.

"No....nothing. I just banged my foot on the table. I'm ok." Charlotte lied.

God, this was getting quite difficult. The vibration on her clit made her wetter and wetter. It felt really good but she couldn't come with her friends next to her. She breathed in deeply and tried to focus back on the conversation, drinking along with her friends.

A few meters away, Engfa was seated at another table with Tina, Nudee and Chompu. The girls were chatting about what Boss Nawat's secret project could be but Engfa wasn't paying that much attention to the conversation. She had her phone in her hand under the table and she was watching Charlotte over Chompu's shoulder. She smiled when she saw her jerk when she had turned the second vibration on.

"Why are you smiling like this? Do you know something that we don't about this project?" Tina asked.

"No, I don't know anything about it. I'm just happy to be reunited with all of you. I miss you guys!" she wasn't lying, she truly missed spending days with the Rainbow Gang.

"Awww I miss you too!" replied Nudee.

"Me too!" Chompu added.

"We need a Rainbow Gang reunion every month!" Tina said seriously.

And the girls started to chat about the old days, remembering the best moments they shared. Between laughs, Engfa kept on checking on Charlotte. She waited a few minutes and then instead of turning the vibration up, she switched mode. Now the vibrator was pulsating in rhythm, once inside of her then once against her clit. She saw Charlotte gripping the table, her head falling forward, her hair hiding her face. Engfa wasn't having any of this, so she kept this mode on and turned the vibration up, twice.

"Oh my god!" Charlotte couldn't keep her moan in as she threw her head back, her eyes closed.

"I think you're drunk, Charlotte!" Aoom laughed. She knew that her friend was not a drama queen, so seeing that much reaction from her to the story she was telling was weird.

"Ah... ah... right, I am!" maybe looking like she was drunk could save her from humiliation. But she was so close to orgasm now that she didn't know if she would be able to hold it. She was embarrassed to feel like this with her friends next to her but she really needed to come. Maybe it would be better to come right away, as opposed to holding it in and coming harder and louder later...

She felt the vibration speeding up again. She moaned, hiding her face in her hands.

"You didn't drink that much though... " Meena said.

"I... ah...". Charlotte couldn't speak anymore.

"Girl, you sound just like Aoom right before she comes."

"Meena!!!" Aoom blushed and grabbed her girlfriend by the throat.

Meena giggled, biting her bottom lip, looking at Aoom's. They were now half fighting, half flirting as they would usually do when they had a little too much to drink. Next to them, Charlotte was shuddering. Her face still hidden in her hands, her orgasm washing over her. She felt good all over, her walls squeezing the toy inside of her. She then felt the vibration getting down, Engfa must have turned on the toy to the lowest setting, letting Charlotte rest a little. This meant that her girlfriend was watching her. Charlotte got up, a little bit of sweat was dampening her neck.

"Guys, I'm going to leave you to it, I can't watch you flirt right now." she said, leaving Aoom and Meena who were too caught up in their "fight" to reply.

Charlotte started walking around the club, breathing deep and slow, to calm herself down. She looked at her watch, she had still more than half an hour to go through her punishment. Engfa must have been somewhere around there, if she was to come again, she would much rather let it happen with her girlfriend holding her. She scanned the tables around and found Engfa kind of hiding behind Chompu. She walked to the group of friends and sat on Engfa's lap without even asking.

"Hi girls! What a great night!" Charlotte said in a high pitched voice, settling on her girlfriend's thighs, the toy pushing against her as she did.

The group of friends kept on talking about the past, sharing stories, laughing hard. Engfa started to play with her phone again, setting the vibration up, then down, then up, then down, toying with the young woman on top of her. She could feel the vibration on her thigh and Charlotte's sex getting warmer and warmer. Her girlfriend turned around on her lap, wrapping Engfa in her arms, hiding her face in her neck.

"Awww you guys are cute!" said Nudee, holding her hand to her heart.

Engfa held Charlotte's back with her left arm, caressing her softly. Her right hand, still under the table, kept on playing with the buttons on her screen. Charlotte squirmed in the embrace. She was getting close again, but that time she didn't try to hold it, she let it happen, wanting Engfa to feel what she was doing to her.

"I'm... coming..." she whispered softly against Engfa's neck, squeezing her harder in between her arms.

The older woman blushed a little, feeling her lover orgasm, her body shuddering against her. She smiled proudly, her dimples showing up.

"This one is rather clingy." she explained to her friends, rubbing her head on Charlotte's, setting the vibration to the lowest level once again.

Charlotte took another deep breath and sat up straight on her girlfriend's lap, turning to their friends, not wanting to give away what was really happening.

"I'm sorry I can't keep my hands off of her. We didn't see each other for a whole week. I missed you guys but I needed a hug." she said, trying to compose herself, her cheeks quite red.

"You don't have to blush, you two! You know we love you and support you!" Chompu said.

"I'll drink to that!" Nudee raised her glass of wine up.

"Cheers!" they all said and drank some more.

"I need to find Heidi, I want a hug too!" Tina grinned and excused herself.

"Come on girls, let's go dance with MGT23!" Nudee grabbed Chompu by the arm, pulling her towards Snack, Pailiu and Elsa still rocking the dance floor.

Engfa and Charlotte stayed together at the table. The young woman looked at her watch again, still 20 minutes to go. She turned around in her girlfriend's lap again, locking their eyes together. Engfa's fingers started to dance on her phone. Charlotte tried to hold her gaze, her pupils widening as pleasure started to creep again deep inside of her. They kept staring deep into each other's eyes, as Engfa toyed with Charlotte until she came on her lap, her eyelids finally closing, surrendering to pleasure. Once again Engfa turned the vibration down.

"I love seeing you come, Nuu... You look so beautiful when you do." the older woman said as she made her girlfriend stand up.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me." Charlotte pleaded.

"Boss Nawat is waving at me, I gotta go talk to him. And I don't think you coming along with me is a good idea. I'll try to be quick. You still have a good 10 minutes before you can take it out." she explained, turning the toy into autopilot mode.

Charlotte jerked and held the chair next to her when she felt the new sensations in between her legs. The toy's vibrations were going fast and slow, switching between inside, outside or both, in a rhythm she wasn't used to. Engfa left her there, all hot and bothered again. She needed to find a place to hide because she knew she would come again and harder. She started walking, searching for a less crowded space. She found an alcove in a corner that seemed empty but when she got inside she saw Heidi grinding on Tina. The girls didn't notice her, too busy kissing each other.

"No, no, no!" she gasped. She really didn't need to see people getting it on right now. She needed quiet and calm.

She turned around, her eyes falling on Aoom and Meena looking at each other's lips, still at the table where she had left them earlier.

"God, why is everybody getting hot right now?" she groaned as she was about to come undone.

Charlotte kept on walking in the club, looking at her watch. Only 8 minutes left. The toy inside of her started to go higher in intensity. Charlotte stopped, resting her back into the nearest wall, coming again. She knew she couldn't sit anymore, she was so wet now. She took some time to catch her breath. The toy inside her wasn't stopping. She needed to take it out before she made a mess and for that she needed Engfa. She spotted Boss Nawat's back across the club and started to walk towards him. She would have to find an excuse to make Engfa go with her. But when she arrived next to him, her girlfriend was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Charlotte! Are you having a good night?" he asked, happy to see her.

"Y... Yes! Where's... P'fa?"

"I don't know, she was there a minute ago. Maybe try the bar? I heard they..."

Charlotte didn't let him finish. She rushed towards the counter. Her next orgasm approaching really fast. She couldn't let it happen near Nawat. Engfa wasn't around the bar, but Nudee was. She saw her friend panicking.

"What's happening Charlotte? Are you ok?" she asked, worried.

"I... I need... P'Fa."

"Are you having a panic attack? Let me take you to the bathroom." she said, trying to grab her hand.

"No!" she almost screamed, taking a step back, preventing her friend from touching her. "I'm... sorry, Nudee. Please don't... touch me. I'll go to the bathroom. Ah... Please find... P'Fa. I... need her." she was trying hard to fight her impending orgasm.

"Ok! I will!" Nudee started to jog in search of her friend.

Charlotte looked at her watch, 3 minutes left. She made her way to the bathroom. Trying as hard as she could not to come before she was there. As she pushed the door, the toy inside her stopped vibrating. She gasped, feeling relieved and frustrated at the same time. Then she saw her, Engfa was already waiting for her inside the bathroom, her phone in her hand. She grabbed Charlotte by the waist and pushed her in the nearest stall, locking the door behind them for the second time. She wasted no time, she pushed her against the wall, lifted her skirt and cupped Charlotte's sex. She pressed herself onto her girlfriend's body, turning the toy on again, straight to the highest setting. Charlotte moaned hard. Engfa shut her up with a kiss, letting her tongue dance against her lips, seeking entrance.

Charlotte came as soon as their tongues touched, moaning inside her lover's mouth. Engfa felt the younger woman's pussy gushing through her shorts, soaking her hand. She quickly turned the sex toy off with her left hand and put her phone back in her purse while her girlfriend was still riding her orgasm. Then Charlotte's body went completely limp, her head falling back and to the side as her legs gave up on her. Thankfully, Engfa's body was pressing hard enough against her to hold her up. They stayed in this position for a while. Engfa was kissing her face softly, until Charlotte regained consciousness and started moving her muscles again.

"Hey, baby girl... Are you ok?" she asked.


"Do you think you can stand on your own?"

"Mmm... yes..." Charlotte answered, standing back up slowly.

Engfa waited a little, making sure that Charlotte could really stand.

"Can you hold your skirt for me, please?"

When Charlotte did as she was asked, the older woman took a ziplock bag from her purse. Inside was a fresh pair of panties.

"I bought this for you, I thought you might need it. I guess I was right." she said, winking at Charlotte, putting the panties in Charlotte's free hand.

Engfa took a step back then crouched down. She hooked her fingers into the hem of the workout shorts and Charlotte's panties, pulling them down her legs. She helped her take them off completely and stand back up, slipping the soaked clothes inside the ziplock bag then putting it away in her purse. She took some toilet paper from the dispenser and crouched a second time.

"Take a deep breath, Nuu." She said as she slowly took the sex toy out from Charlotte's glistening sex. The young woman breathed then whimpered at the loss. Still crouched down, Engfa put the vibrator back in its container then in her purse. When she looked up again she couldn't resist, seeing all of this wet skin and lapped her slit slowly.

"God! Please, stop... I can't... I'm going to pass out..." Charlotte said as her legs started to shake a little.

"I'm sorry, Nuu. I just wanted a sample. You taste so good." Engfa said. "I'm going to take care of you." she explained as she started to dab her skin gently, drying her thighs first then in between her legs.

She took the fresh panties from Charlotte's hand and eased her girlfriend into them, caressing her butt cheeks softly as she put them in place. When she got back up, she took some time to kiss and hug Charlotte. After that she held her hand, getting out of the stall, going straight to the sink to wash her hands.

"CHARLOTTE WHERE ARE YOU?" screamed Nudee and Marima, entering the restroom, banging the door in the process.

They calmed down instantly when they saw Engfa and Charlotte together near the sink.

"Engfa, you've found her!" Nudee said, feeling relieved.

"Char, are you ok?" Marima asked, still kind of worried. "Is your panic attack over?"

"It is... Engfa took care of me... I'm ok now... Sorry for making you all worried." she apologized, her voice still shaking.

"Come on, I'll get us a taxi. You need to go home and rest, Nuu." Engfa said, wrapping her arm gently around her waist.

With that, the little group went out of the restroom. Engfa and Charlotte waved their friends goodbye, then went outside the club to catch a taxi. During the ride home, Charlotte rested her head on Engfa's shoulder, staring at their fingers, as her girlfriend was caressing her hand.

They got up to Charlotte's condo, Engfa was almost carrying her at that point. She managed to take the young woman to her bedroom and helped her get on the bed. She went to her bathroom, quickly grabbing some face wipes. Charlotte was almost asleep when Engfa had finished taking her makeup off, trying to be as soft as possible on her girlfriend's skin.

"Come on, Nuu, sit up. I'll help you put your pajamas on." she said, rubbing her girlfriend's cheeks in her hands.

Charlotte complied, as much as she could. Engfa took her shirt off but Charlotte could not sit straight anymore so she laid herself back on the bed. The older woman unzipped her skirt and shimmied it under her butt to get it off. She left Charlotte in her underwear and battled to take her boots off. Charlotte was now completely asleep. Engfa put her legs back on the bed, and pulled the comforter on her sleeping beauty.

A few moments later, Engfa had gone through her own night time routine. She had put on a large white shirt that she found in Charlotte's drawer. She slipped discreetly under the sheets, rolled over to her girlfriend and held her tight.

"I love you." Charlotte mumbled in her sleep.

"I love you too, Nuu." Engfa replied, giving a tiny kiss to the love of her life, snuggling against her, letting sleep embrace them.


Sorry guys, I was away for the weekend and I couldn't write. Hope you guys will like this chapter.
The next one will be the last, as I can't possibly keep on writing smut without a plot xD

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