1. Dreams come true

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A/N before you read this i just want to say i mention ALOT of trademarked things so all right are reserved to the owners of those companies. I do not own or are associated with those companies or business's. thank you and I hope you like my book.

So once i get to school i see him and then he sees me and I see his eyes light up as i walk over to the table he pushes kellon and tells him to move when I get there he says "hey trish i saved you a seat" and as i sit I say "yeah sure luke sure u did" when I look over to him i see he is playing that stupid madden mobile game he always gets hype over but then he turns off his phone and looks straight into my eyes and says "so trish I'm still coming over to your house after school right?"

And then I suddenly remember its Friday and luke is coming over to my house for the whole day! After getting my head back in gear i say "oh yeah, we'll have to ride my bus though is that ok" and he nods his head with excitement.

When I get into first period my BFF kameel is sitting in her seat and looks like she has been waiting for me to arrive and once I sit down she says "so Trisha i bet your so hype because Luke is coming to ur house after school" "well Kameel laugh and taunt me all you want but I know that today is going to be fantastic" I say in defense. During third period i think about how tonight will go so my mom is taking me and Luke to a movie then we go out to eat then we go to sweet frog and then luke spends the night.

In fourth period I'm so happy because i sit next to luke during math he kept flicking me and hitting me and when the teacher stopped talking i asked him "what do you want dude" he said " just excited for today" wow even he was excited this is going to turn out better than I thought!

At lunch i sit by luke but this girl that likes luke comes up to us and says "wow luke i didn't know you liked losers or are you just trying to be nice to that thing of a person" I've ignored all the stuff she says but this one for some reason really stung and i think luke saw the tears in my eye because he said to her "hey jessie why don't you get a life because clearly you don't have one and what did Trish ever do to you she is the most amazing person I've ever met and if you can't see that she is amazing then you got problems big ones" you should have seen her face it was as red as a firetruck!

She walked away and I could tell she was really pissed off though. While we were walking up the hill to the field my best friend kameel came up to me and said "hey Trisha not to make you mad or sad but Jessie is talking crap about you ,and I heard what you did for her luke that is amazing" and then she gave luke a high five.

On the field people were pointing at me and laughing i didn't know why but at the same time i really wanted to know so i told luke i would be right back and then I walked right up to Jessie and said "look Jessie i don't know if you are saying stuff about me but im asking you to stop please its really rude" after a couple of seconds she said "sorry and no I'm sorry I'm talking the truth so are you telling me to lie"

I could tell my ears and cheeks were getting red because i started to get hot and with anger in my vains i said "ok but I just want to know what did you say about me" and with a grin on her face she said "well I said that your a desperate retard and that you are such a loser and a thot" "well first of all jessie those aren't true so stop saying fake things will you" i said with more anger. Then after that she said "well Trisha i guess it's time you got what you deserved"

And then next thing i know she punched me right in the face and my nose started to bleed. I didn't remember what happened next because i blacked out after she punched me a few more times in the face.

When I woke up nurse Ellie was at the end of the bed i was on and by the surroundings i could tell i was in the nurses office on the second floor. After i propped myself up to where I was at the sitting point i asked the nurse what happened and after she explained what happened i asked where were my friends and then she pointed into the next room and she said "come on in guys she's awake now"

And then lilina, kameel,both Calub's,kellon,and luke came into the room the people that came right to my side were luke and lilina while the three other boys leaned against the wall and Kameel sat down in a chair. After talking to everyone for ten minutes my mom came in and behind her was my grandma with my baby bro and my dad.

Then looked at me then rushed right over to the nurse and she told then the whole story after that luke asked my mom and dad if he would still be able to come over and they said "of course so" and we looked at the nurse if i was well enough to go to my last three classes and she nodded yes as I was getting up i started to tear up and lilina asked why i was kind-of crying i said "I'm scared people are going to make fun of me" but luke said "they won't when she hit you and you didn't instantly black out people were clapping I'm sure you'll get lots of applause."

And he was right everywhere i went for the rest of the day people were clapping even some teachers. But on the bus two girls that hang out with jessie were giving me and luke dirty looks but when we got to my house i got happy.

At 5:00 we left to go to the movies we were seeing the book of life and when we sat down luke grabbed my hand and held on to it for most of the movie as the movie ended i asked him why he was holding my hand and he said "i have to tell you later just not right now ok"

I nodded but was very suspicious. We went to Dennys to eat and when my mom had to go to the bathroom i asked luke "ok now can you tell me" and he said "not yet" so I looked him dead in the eyes and said "I'm watching you from now on with a real close eye."

He must have thought i was joking because he just rolled his eyes he was lucky my mom came back or I would have thrown him into the road. As we got to sweet frog my mom whispered something into Luke's ear and he told her something. When we got to a table and sat down i whisper shouted this "I saw you two talking about something when we got out of the car what is going on"

My mom looked at luke and she shook her head yes and he took a deep breath and said "ok so you know how your parents came up with the idea, well I did actually because i really like you and I wanted to ask you out so..... Will you be my girlfriend trish?"

For two whole minutes my face and me was in total shock and i manage to stutter out "ye......y..yes" before we go and he gave me a hug and on Saturday after he won his baseball game he kissed me. 😍👊😲💑⚾💏


Hi!! Im trinity aka niallandcalumlove thank you for opening this book and reading this! I actually made a whole series of these but never thought about making them into a wattpad book! I hope you continue to read this and hopefully add it to your library.

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