6: The mall

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so its friday and im going to Luke's for the weekend and its going to be amazing. When we got to his house we went into his room to put my stuff down but he held my hand and said "you know i love you alot right" and then he kissed me and i said "of course i know that" he then took me to the living room where we played cod:aw until his mom told us it was dinnertime.

At dinner luke told his parents what is going on and they said "wow they have never gotten expelled they should cuz they tried to kill you". I said "i know right its so dumb how they get suspended for a little bit then come back and try to kill us". After dinner we went into his room and watched gardiens of the galaxy.

When it was near the end luke pulled something out of his pocket and i saw it was a charm bracelet! He said "it has all your favorite things". It has one direction,5sos,ice cream,a music note, a microphone,Phan,popcorn,shoes,a book,a pool,movies,youtube sign,hearts,magcon,peace signs,emojis,and my name in a sparkly purple stone.

I was so happy i hugged luke for like two minutes. After that we went to bed (he slept in his bed i slept on the floor). In the morning we ate waffles then we went to the mall and i saw jessie and she gave me a mean glare cuz me and luke were holding hands but i did not care cuz she couldn't get me.

When we went to Hollister Luke's mom went to the other side of the store and said she would be back in an hour so we could look around the mall but be back in a hour. We started walking the way to sweet-frog to get some frozen yogurt.

Half way there i looked behind us for some reason and saw Jessie running towards us. I told luke who looked to and we started running as fast as we could. As we pasted sweet-frog i said "its right there" luke said "were not stopping until Jessie does"

and sure enough i looked and she was still running after 5 minutes we got to the end of the mall so luke said we should run into JC penny's and try to hide. When we got into JC penny's we both went into different directions so we had a better chance of hiding.

I hid in the girls bathroom in a stall that i locked and say on top of the toilet so Jessie couldn't see my shoes. After 15 minutes i texted luke and he said "i hear her near me I'm in the mens department where r u" i said "the girls bathroom" he replied with "oh crap shes coming near me I'm going to delete where u r so she wont c it" after that i said "ok text me back tho"

and i got no reply so i got scared. I ran out of the bathroom and started to walk towards the mens department. The closer i got the more scared i was. When i got there i saw Luke's phone on the ground and picked it up and saw that he didn't delete the message so i started to walk to the bathroom.

Half way there i noticed we only had 30 minutes left so i walked faster. I was almost there when i saw luke run outside of the store. As i ran outside of the store i saw luke getting chased by Jessie. I tripped Jessie when she came near me and picked her up and said "what did i tell u at school huh!"

She spit in my face then i pushed her into the wall and she pushed me down. Luke tried to get Jessie but she pushed him away.After that Jessie had made my nose bleed and smashed my head into the glass which didn't break but i fell to the ground and blacked out.

What seemed like a minute later i woke up to find myself on a hospital bed. A nurse walked in and said "oh fantastic the doctor thought you might have died" i was surprised but i asked "how long have i been here and what happened" she said "you have been here for two hours and you blacked out after this one girl smacked your head into glass".

I then asked "where is luke?" She said "is he that boy that is a wreck that came here with you?". I said "probably,could you send him in?" She said "ill go ask the doctor but i bet he can". She gave me medicine then left and i looked around and saw that i didn't have my charm bracelet or my iPhone.

After 5 minutes the nurse came back and said "he is coming in a minute he just had to get something of yours". A few minutes later he came into the door and dropped iPhone,and bracelet onto a table and gave me a hug. The nurse said that we could walk to the cafeteria get food then go outside to eat.

When we got into the hall luke said "did u remember what happened?" I said "yeah but what happened after". He said "Jessie grabbed me and started to walk away but i called my mom after u gave me my phone and when u got knocked out my mom came and came after Jessie, Jessie then tried to get away but my mom got her and called the cops."

I was surprised at least i was alive. When we got to Luke's it was midnight so we went to bed. On sunday i realized that on monday Jessie and Kevin were coming back to school! But logan said to calm down cuz we would be ok. Monday morning when we got to school not a lot of kids were at school yet.

After 15 minutes Jessie came in but didn't come near us and then 5 minutes later my bus came in and Kevin just stared at me (like he always does). I guess someone told Jessie about the whole Kevin thing cuz she had him sit next to her and she was pointing at us and talking.

They then both walked over to our table and both said "so we both hate one of u that is amazing isn't it." I said no and they both laughed. Jessie said "I'm not going to try to hurt u Trisha and Kevin said he wont Hurt u luke but I'm going to try to get luke and Kevin will try to get u."

After that they left but Kevin tried to hug me but luke kicked him. At lunch they didn't do anything but in gym Kevin tried to hit luke in the head with a shoe on the ground and i jumped up and catched it in mid air but i fell and hit the ground. 💑💏👊😬😡💆👫👟✊💢💑

Ok so this is a long-isth chapter but its a good one i think! So im so excited cuz my mom said....SHE MIGHT GET ME 1D TICKETS TO THEIR SEPTEMBER 12TH SHOW AT GILLETTE STADIUM IF YOUR GOING THERE TELL ME!!! ❤😜😭😊😋🎉

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