Chapter 1

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It's a normal morning I'm in my office. Wyatt's with her aunt and uncle. I have a client in an hour everything is good or well as good as it gets. Until I hear noises coming from my gym. And as I get closer I recognize the voice that is speaking. It's my older brother Jordan and some guy in a cowboy getup and then another one runs up beside them. I don't recognize either of them. They are both pretty tall both are brunettes both are pretty hot but I still don't know who they are.

I'm from a small town a few hours away from New York City. I like having privacy for my clients so they don't get bothered during their sessions. Most of my clients are either famous or extremely wealthy people who are constantly chased by paparazzi so being located here gives them privacy. When I started training I got lucky because my brother made a few calls and from there I built my business.

I was originally going to be a nurse I had even started college for it but then Wyatt was born which didn't affect me in school much when her dad died in a car accident I was out of luck. Wyatt was only 6 weeks old when he died so I didn't have time to go to school and finish my degree at the time. So I quit school and started a full-time job at a local gym and after working in a gym and helping people achieve their goals I decided I wanted to do that. Now I'm here at 25 with my own gym celebrity clients and I'm happy doing it.

But now back to the strange men in my gym and I'm including my brother in that because he is probably the strangest person I've ever met.

"Can I help you guys?" I ask loudly from across the gym.

"Little sister these are some friends of mine." Well, I would hope so because they are in my gym without my permission.

"Okay and why are they here?"

"You are going to train them." What? I don't know these men.

"No, I'm not."

"Willa this is Caleb Carter your new client."

Did Jordan run any new clients by me Nope. Why would he? He thinks he owns the place but he doesn't it's my name on the door. I'm the one who worked for all this and every time he enters this gym he thinks he did all the work. Selfish asshole.

"Jordan can we speak privately in my office?"


He follows me to my office which is across the gym. He knows I'm pissed. I know he's trying to push my buttons. He knows I hate him bringing me clients. I can get my own damn clients without help. Plus I have people sign nondisclosure agreements before entering my gym. I have clients that require privacy so people just coming and going isn't what I need.

It's my gym but he acts like he can just walk in any time he pleases with one of his clients. I appreciate the opportunities but it still pisses me off because he acts like I can't do this by myself.

As I shut the door and blinds he makes himself comfortable in my chair. He has a smirk on his lips like he's proud of himself. He looks at me with victory in his eyes. I don't get why he thinks he will always win. Soon I hope someone will teach him a lesson.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing bringing random ass men into my damn gym? Especially ones that look like they just stepped out of some damn smutty cowboy book I would get recommended to me on tik tok. Seriously where did you even find those two yeehaw dimwhitts a fucking rodeo? They look like they think a great workout session is throwing hay bales into a stack shirtless like the guys in movies do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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