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Author's pov

"Mumma , whele are we going?" Jaehyun asked innocently as he looked over to his mother from the passanger seat

"To.. meet someone, baby" taehyung answered after taking a deep breathe.

"Ale we meetingh papa?" Jaehyun asked with expectant eyes. Taehyung's heart clenched hearing his son's voice filled with hopes. His son had always craved to meet his other parent and he...

"Slap him when you meet him ok" taehyung said before parking the car in the hospital parking lot and went out of the car to take out jaehyun from his booster seat

"Buh wae?" Jaehyun asked , large doe eyes curiously staring at his mother's face

"Just...just do it. You are mummy's good boy right?" Taehyung asked in which jaehyun nodded his head with a pout. Apple cheeks going more fluffier

"Yeah.. so just do it" taehyung said before walking into the hospital and going to the said floor after asking the receptionist. As he walked nearer to the room he saw seokjin coming out while sighing

"Hyung" seokjin was surely starled after hearing taehyung's voice. He blinked his eyes for sometime before nodding his head and pointed inside the room. Taehyung took a deep breathe and adjusted Jaehyun's position in his hip before walking into the room

Taehyung gritted his teeths when he saw Jeon Jungkook sitting on the hospital bed while looking outside the window with tear strained cheeks and a bandage around his right wrist. Taehyung took a deep breathe before walking upto him. He looked at jaehyun before placing him on the hospital bed

Jungkook's attention shifted to the bed when he felt a small body beide him. His eyes teared up again when he saw the little boy's face which resembled so much with his own. Jungkook closed his eyes when small little hands slapped his face

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried not to sob out loud. Taehyung moved jaehyun aside before slapping jungkook so hard that a red handprint formed on his cheeks instantly. Jaehyun gasped seeing how hardly his mummy slapped his papa

"Mummy you hurh papa" Jaehyun gasped and crawled upto jungkook. Jungkook only sobbed with closed eyes. The guilt was eating him up and he didn't even had the courage to look at both of them

"See nowh papa is clying" Jaehyun said and wipped jungkook's tears with his small hands but the tears seemed like they weren't anytime soon

"Papa no cly" Jaehyun said in a pouty tone. Jungkook opened his eyes when he heard that sad tone. He choked on a sob when he saw his son's cute small face pressed against his. Does he even have any rights to call him his son?

"Jaehyunnie , from now on.... Everytime you come to meet your papa. Slap him" taehyung said before walking out of the ward leaving jaehyun with jungkook

"Wae?" Jaehyun asked particularly to no one as his lips turned into a pout

"Because papa hurt mumma" jungkook said and hugged jaehyun from his free and uninjured arm

"Mumma huh papa. Eveh eveh" Jaehyun said so innocently that only made jungkook to cry more

"One slap isn't enough jaehyun" jungkook said and patted Jaehyun's bum. He chuckled sadly when he realised that jaehyun has crossed his diaper phase

Jaehyun just made a confused sound before something clicked in his mind. He sat up and crawled on top of jungkook. In these two years his injuries have healed completely so its fine if jaehyun sits on top of him

"Papa! Papa! Chu noh me leah Ah- aph-

"Alphabets?" Jungkook completed as he stared at Jaehyun's face which resembles with his own so much

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