Chapter 17: Blooming Love

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Bright went to the Pawat mansion in the period that Ohm had gone to university. He had to report to their father about how Ohm was doing. He knocked on the door of Mr. Pawat's office. 

"Dad, it's Bright." 

He said softly, and he could hear the man's cheerful tone coming from inside. 

"Come in."

Mr. Pawat always loved to have the presence of his rebellious sons. Well, Ohm was the epitome of rebelliousness and stubbornness, but however, Bright was slightly better. Bright smiled widely as he entered. Though Mr. Pawat was not his real father, Bright truly felt as if he was because the man really cared for him that way.

"Hey, dad."

He greeted as he popped his head into the room first and then his whole body. 

"Oh, hi, Jane!" 

Bright smiled fondly when he saw that Jane was also present.

"Hiya, P'Bright. What brought you here? Look, dad, one of your stubborn sons is here."

She said as she rolled her eyes. She just knew how fond her dad was about Bright and Ohm. The man really wished they would come often to visit him, but oh god, the young boys had totally different ideas.

"Come, sit."

Mr. Pawat gestured, and Bright grinned as he took the seat on the couch in front of Mr. Pawat and Jane. 

"I just came to report how Ohm is doing. But I also missed you, dad, so I thought I would do both in one trip."

"That's a big fat lie, dad. If he didn't have to report, he wouldn't have come. Bullshitting is all the things my two elder brothers do."

All three of them broke into laughter after Jane said that the old man had just looked at Bright, his eyes adoring the boy before he said with a smile.

"I'm glad you came, Bright. How are you doing?"

Just when the old man asked it, the head bodyguard entered the room and eyed Bright intently before standing beside Mr. Pawat. 

"I'm doing fine, dad. Though there is a punishment that is due because I actually defied the orders of Jake when I went to take care of Ohm despite Jake telling me not to."

Bright said sneakily. Jake was the head bodyguard of the mansion and the only superior above Bright. The man had clearly assigned him another task but Bright has said fuck it and had done what he wanted which resulted in Jake dishing out a punishment to him which Bright had promised he would do later. The main reason he had been so impatient to meet Ohm was because he knew Ohm was up to something when the younger boy suddenly changed the university he was going to attend and Bright had never been this glad about one of his decisions before. If he wasn't there, he wasn't sure what Ohm would have done to Nanon.

"Oh, is that so? Should I tell Jake to call it off?"

Mr. Pawat looked at Jake with a grin while Jane laughed seeing how sly Bright had been to complain it to their dad.

"With all due respect sir, please stay out of it. Bright deserves it for defying orders."

Jake said with a little bow making both Bright and Jane burst into a laughter. The head bodyguard was also the best friend of Mr. Pawat and it was known among everyone how smart Jake got with the elder Pawat sometimes.

"What is this punishment anyway?"

Jane asked and Bright rolled his eyes.

"Doesn't matter to you. Let us men solve it among ourselves."

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