Chapter 36: Past Cannot Be Hidden Forever

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Nanon, Ohm, Bright and Jane held hands as they walked through the park filled with greenish trees and beautiful flowers. It has been a month since they confessed about them dating to Mr. Pawat and they had to admit life was really blissful.

With everything in the past solved and their wounds getting healed with time, what mattered the most that they were there for each other. 


Jane called Nanon as she leaned to him. Nanon who was licking his lollipop turned to his best friend and that was when he saw that Ohm and Bright were also looking at him, looking kinda nervous.

Nanon chuckled.

"What is it?" The boy asked, looking at Jane biting her lips and Ohm took a deep breath before he spoke.

"You know that everything in our lives are great now, right?"


Nanon said nodding at the matter of fact.

"And we know you have been quite happy."

"But there is something we still need to solve in your life, Nong."

Bright said followed by Jane and Nanon halted. He was just trying to ignore it for the past month. He just didn't want to go back to that again. But they were right. Nanon needed to do something about it and it was not like he could run from the problem forever.

"I know... but I don't know what to do. I don't know how to escape him or how to stand up for myself. It is not as easy as you guys think. Whenever I see my father, I feel like my knees are going weak."

"How about we start with you moving out permanently from your home?"

"You think he would let me do that?"

Nanon asked contemplating and Bright and Jane got thoughtful while Ohm walked up to Nanon and held his hand.

"You remember when I threatened to shoot him that night? When he tried to take you home thinking you were trying to run away?"

He asked softly and Nanon nodded.

"I don't think he would do anything to you again. He knows that if it ever gets to my father through me, his political career is done. It is gonna be done anyway because I'm going to tell Dad about that man soon. But first, we need to get you out of there so he can't do something reckless to you."

Ohm was constantly drawing circles on Nanon's palm as he said those words and that seemed to work because Nanon had stopped fidgeting his fingers.

A second later, Nanon could feel Bright's hand on his shoulder and Jane held his hand and squeezed it softly.

"We are here, you know? We won't let anything happen to you."

Ohm whispered as he hugged Nanon tightly. Nanon closed his eyes feeling the warmth and took a deep breath. It was now or never. If he didn't find the courage to do it now when he was getting all the support in the world, there would be no day he would be able to.

"All right. But if I am to do this, I need to do it right away. I don't think this determination of mine will last long." 

A little chuckle escaped his lips to make the atmosphere lighter and Ohm, Jane and Bright nodded at him.

"How do you want us to help you? Shall we come with you?" 

Jane asked but Nanon shook his head. He didn't trust his father enough to take Ohm, Jane and Bright into his house. The moment they enter his house, Nanon's father could do anything to them using his men and knowing his father, Nanon knew the man could be impulsive regardless of the consequences later. There would be no use in crying over spilled milk so the best thing he could do was not take the most precious people in his life with him.

"No, I need to do this alone. But if I don't come out after one and a half hours, I need you to report everything to the police."

"Are you sure?" 

Ohm asked, his voice laced with concern and Nanon nodded. He has never been so sure about something in his life before. 

"I'm sure. Now please drop me at my place."

Nanon said with conviction and that was what the three of them did. It was a lie to say they were not reluctant to leave Nanon in the lion's den. But a part of them knew Nanon was taking the wisest decision for the team.

"We will be parking here."

Ohm said as Bright stopped the car a few feet away from the main gate of Nanon's house and Nanon nodded.

"I will be back soon. Remember, if I don't return in one and a half hours, which is the maximum that will take for me to pack my things, call the police. Don't hesitate."

"We won't. But Non..." 

Ohm held Nanon's hand when he was about to get out of the car and pulled him back to him. Ohm's lips placed softly on Nanon's and they exchanged a feathery kiss as if it was an affirmation.

"... please be safe. I would rather see you good than call the police." he completed as they pulled out of the kiss.

"I know..." Nanon whispered back softly and for some reason, he was feeling too emotional. He looked at Jane and Bright and nodded at them to which they nodded back and then got out of the car, walking toward the gates.

"Will he be all right?"

Jane asked worriedly and Ohm and Bright shook their head.

"I don't know..." 

Ohm muttered under his breath. For the next thirty minutes, none of them spoke. It was as if they were all to nervous to talk. They felt like they will throw up everything they ate if they spoke and the more the time passed, the more it worsened.

The three of them were startled out of their thoughts when Ohm's phone began to ring.

"Is it Nanon?"

Jane asked quickly but Ohm shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing at who was calling. Jimmy. It was very rare for Jimmy to call Ohm.


He answered with caution but Jimmy's panicked voice told Ohm that things were fucked up.

"Ohm, you need to check Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!" 

He shouted over the phone and it was so loud that Jane and Bright heard it as well. The first thing the two of them did was take a look at the socials and Jane's blood drained from her face.


Her voice shook as she spoke and Bright gulped silently, his throat feeling dry.

Ohm snatched Jane's phone away from her and for a moment, he couldn't hear a single thing they said. 

All over social media was a video of Nanon slapping Jane in the rain at the end of their high school when Jane told him that she was pregnant. The audio and video were so clear and it was obvious that it was Nanon and Jane and Ohm knew for one, there was no escape from this anymore.

At first, Ohm's mind lagged but then his mind ran to Nanon who was still inside the lion's den. His eyes widened in horror before a mutter escaped his lips feeling as helpless as ever.


A/N - Sorry for keeping you guys waiting for so long. Things are a lot in my life and I'm at a major transition period. I will give an update about my life when everything is settled. On the positive side, I'm hoping to give frequent updates rather than ghosting you all for what felt like forever. I love you all 💖

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Thank you for reading My Little Droplets. Love you ❤

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