One Direction a Not So Typical Love Story

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  • Dedicated to Lacie R Allen

Hey guys, I've decided to write something for you all!! Let me know if you like it :P For: Lacie Allen and all of you others who think Louis is the best!

Chapter 1:

      One day, after you got home from school you decided to watch some TV. You were channel surfing and you saw that X-Factor was on. This was the first time you had watched it this season. You saw a group called One Direction preform. You new instantly that they would win. You fell deeply in love with them. Your favorite was Louis Tomlinson. You thought he was sooo cute and, and he had amazing hair. When they sang the last song to see who would win, you voted for them to win, but, they didn't. You wanted to cry because you loved them so much, even though you had just saw them.

Chapter 2:

     That night you called your best friend Kylie. You told her all about the band. She instantly came over and you guys were fangirling together. You had thought that they didn't make it since they finished third place, but there was a huge announcement that they had been signed by: Simon Cowell. You guys started crying tears of happiness. Your mom was at the doctors and she had called to tell you she was on her way home. When she called all she could here was you screaming at the top of your lungs. She thought that something bad was happening so she hung up and rushed home.

Chapter 3:

      Your mom finally arrived at your house and you and Kylie rushed out of the door in excitement. Your mom asked what was going on and you screamed "ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (while jumping up and down) Your mother looked at you clueless. You pointed to the Tv and she said "Oh another typical boyband." You and Kylie gave her dirty looks and walked away.

Kylie's POV

     "Why does your mother think this is just another 'typical boyband'? they aren't, I can feel it I know that they are different they aren't anything like the others." I wonder if Lacie agrees with me. But why does her mom think this? She doesn't even know them. They can't be like the others. Mmmm... My favorite is Harry. I wonder if he has abs.....

Lacie's POV

" I don't know why my mother thinks that they are just another typical boyband. I have this feeling, I don't know how to describe it, it's good and I feel so different, like love at first sight." Am I right to say love at first sight or should I have said something else? I wonder what's going through their heads.

Chapter 4:

     Kylie wanted to stay the night and you wanted her to, but your mom said no because you had school and the next day you guys were going on vacation, Kylie was going with you, but she has to pack. You guys are going on spring break in California. You are so excited because you had researched and One Direction was going to be in the area. You didn't tell Kylie because you didn't think your mom would let you go and see them.

     *The next day at school*

Kylies POV

OMG!! Where is Lacie? I haven't seen her all day!! I hope she's here today I'm suppose to ride the bus home with her so we can go on vacation. Dang it, I was looking forward to this I even have exciting news.

*At lunch*


"Where were you earlier? Guess what?!!"

"What?" Lacie replied

"One Direction is going to be in California!!"

"I know." She replied


" I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure if we could go sooo..." She said

"Oh, well probably not, but oh well."

*In class*

Teacher: "Alright guys you have a project to do. You are going to chose a band or artist that inspires you."

(You and Lacie look at each other, and instantly think of the boys)

You guys get the instructions and start working.

You guys get finished with the project before everyone else in the class does.

Chapter 5:

Lacie's POV

      OMG!! I should atleast ask my mom, but I 'm afraid she'll say no. I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. What if I got to meet them with my bestfreind. What if Louis fell in love with me and Harry falls in love with Kylie. My thoughts are so awesome.

*Next day*

     "Kylie!!, Lacie!! Get up we are leaving!!" Your mom shouts

*You guys get up and get dressed do your hair and makeup and run downstairs*

"Alright, we're ready!!!! Let's go!!!!!" You and Kylie shout.

*In the car*

"Hey, mom will you turn the music up I think I know this song?!" You say

(You're insecure, don't know what for)


"Hey, Lacie did you know that their album will release when we get there?" Kylie says

"Yeah." You say

*You put in your head phones and start listening to music on your iPod touch*

*Kylie does the same.*

You both end up falling asleep in the car.

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