I lost my sister

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Jungkook's POV:

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Jungkook's POV:

I was talking on my phone in living room.

"Make sure not to make any mistake this time..........Yeah.......Okay....We have to get him alive"

Suddenly I heard some water splashes. I looked out of the big window present in that room.

I saw Y/N in the swimming pool. She was splashing water. It seemed like she was drowning.

She was unable to speak. Now without wasting a minute I rushed there to help her.

I jumped into the pool and took her out in bridal style. I went straight towards my room with her in my hands.

On my way my hyungs were looking at me with confused expression. I laid Y/N at my bed.

I called one of the maids and said to her while giving a shirt of mine," Change her clothes."

After saying that I myself went to change as I was also wet.

After changing, when I went to the hall, all my hyungs were on the couch. I told them what happened.

Author's POV:

After sometime, Y/N came back to her senses. She was confused to see herself in that room. She kinda felt like familiar to that room.

Then she remembered that she had been to this room before. It was that so called Mr. Mafia's room.

A maid was sitting there who said," Oh miss you are awake! I have to inform master."

Saying that she went to JK, as he asked her to inform him after she gains consciousness, and said to her," Master, miss is awake."

JK nodded and went towards his room. He looked at Y/N and said," Now go and take a shower. Clothes are in the closet of your room."

Y/N said "Oh you are so sweet Mr. Mafia. You bought new clothes for me. How can I even thank you? You are-"

"Stop that chit - chat. Those are the same clothes which you brought in your bag when you came here." JK said while interrupting her.

"But what were you doing near the pool?" He asked.

Aah! Actually I-I went there to just enjoy the view. Yeah." She said trying to sound obvious as much as she could do.

"Oh seriously! You were trying to enjoy the view with you bag packed with your clothes." He said sarcastically.

"Actual-" She got interrupted once again by him.

"I know you were trying to escape from here. This time I 'm forgiving you. Don't ever try again to escape from here. If you do, then your brother will have to face the consequences. Yeah I know you have an elder brother. If you want him to be safe, then take my words seriously." He said in a stern voice and went by there.

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