Wedding Day

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They all peeked inside the room through the window. But the scene inside made all of their jaws dropped and eyes widened.

There was Y/N sitting on a couch with her legs on the table and pointing the gun in her hand towards the man who was cleaning her shoes

"Clean my shoes properly. Hurry up." She said.

"Y-yes." The man said.

She scoffed and said," What do you think of yourself? I'm not the weakness of my love. I'm his strength. And you thought using me against him! tsk tsk....never even in your dreams."

"I-I'm s-sorry" The man said nervously.

"Now go and bring an apple. I wanna check my shooting skills." She ordered.

The man nodded and went towards a room, looking like a kitchen, and came back after 1-2 minutes.

"Now go at the corner of this room and put this apple on your head." She said.

All the members were confused by seeing this.

The man did as she said and gulped the lump down as he was scared. Y/N pointed the gun towards the apple on his head and pulled the trigger. The bullet passes exactly through the apple leaving behind a hole in it.

All of them were astonished at the accuracy. But in no time, she pulled the trigger again, and this time the bullet passed exactly through his forehead.

All of them gasped. It was normal for them to see people being killed, but it was Y/N's shooting skill which made them to gasp. Hearing the gasp, she turned around and saw them all at the entrance of the room.

"Oh oppa and Jungkook! You all came!"

"From where did you learn shooting Y/N?" Jin asked with a shocked expression.

"Oh, actually my best friend, this mochi taught me how to shoot." She said.

Everyone looked towards Jimin. He laughed nervously and said," Hehehe.....I just taught her as a time pass whenever she got bored. But I didn't know that she would master this skill."

Suddenly Jungkook hugged Y/N and said,"I'm sorry love. It was our special day. This day should have meant only for us. But everything got messed up."

She caressed his hair and said," Don't worry Kookie. It's not your fault. And the day is still not over. It's still the same day. We can save this day of ours, right?"

He nodded with a smile. Then they all went back to continue everything.


Now Y/N is looking at herself in the mirror. She is dressed up in all white, a beautiful bridal gown, white heels and a beautiful and elegant diamond necklace in her neck.

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