First Hugs

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(All Tommy pov)

Part 1: Tubbo:

Tommy, of course, loved his brother, and his brother being the only person he trusted at the time didn't change that love. Tubbo was the first person Tommy had let close enough to hug him, although that wasn't saying much, because Tubbo had been there for most of Tommy's firsts. It made sense ge would be the first hug.

Part 2: Puffy

The next person Tommy truely hugged was Puffy. He still remembered the way Puffy had crouched in front of him, her warm arms wrapping around him, apologies on her lips, but Tommy's tear streaked face birdied too deep into her curly white hair to hear those. She was telling him Tubbo was gone, but Tommy had known that. Known it when his last hug had been cold and lifeless.

Puffy's hug however had enough warmth to sustain a thousand people. Puffy had held Tommy as he shook, not complaining once about the time. She just let him sob. Puffy's arms was probably the place Tommy felt safest. He would get many more hugs from Puffy of course, but this one would always be the one to remember. This warm hug on the side of the road next to the house in which Tubbo had died.

Part 3: Freddie

Tommy had been clinging barely to the little sanity he had, still shaking with fear as he hid upstairs away from the furious group home parents. He was pretty close to giving up and ignoring Tubbo's last request. He may well have taken the opportunity that the second story window presented him, had it not been for the arms of another kid wrapping around him and pulling him gently from his hiding space.

Tommy had fought, instantly assuming he was being caught and was going to get into even more trouble, but the boy, Freddie, just held him, quietly promising it would be ok, because what else could he do.

Eventually Tommy's panicked breathing slowed, and he sunk into Freddie's embrace, accepting the hug. It wasn't as good as Puffy's hugs, but it was pretty damn nice. Plus, the kid didn't owe him anything- at least not that Tommy knew off.

Part 4: Wilbur

Tommy hadn't realised Wilbur had been hugging him that day until long after. He had been too busy panicking, expecting Wilbur to either kill him or take him to Techno to be killed. Only Wilbur hadn't done that, he had just held Tommy and talked, constantly, ignoring the screams, and promising it would be ok. Tommy now, looking back on it, wished he had sunk into that hug. Wished he had let it's warmth encapsulate him. But he hadn't, and it was too late now.

Part 5: Eret

Tommy had missed out on his first hug from Eret. She had been trying to help him ag the graveyard, but Tommy couldn't help the panic he had felt, couldn't help the fear that he would end up buried there as well, so he had pushed away from the offered embrace and instead found his own way yo yo his unsteady feet.

It was another memory Tommy regretted, but that regret was hardly fair considering the fact that now, years later, Tommy was curled up, head in Eret's lap, dusty pulled up close in front of his face as he wrote about good memories. His therapist had asked him to try to do that, and Eret's warm welcoming quiet was easy company to do it in.

Eret never read what Tommy wrote, but she was there, her hand absentmindedly rubbing Tommy's shoulder as she played a game on her phone, giving Tommy the privacy he so desperately needed.

Tommy flopper the page over, and in big bold letters he wrote one word. One word that summarised all that he was thankful for, all the good parts of his shitty life, all the joy he had forced himself to find.


That was what had changed. That was what he had needed all along. He didn't need to bother writing these memories, because he already had the answer for his therapist. He was thankful for his friends. And for warm hugs as that snowman from that one animated movie Conner insisted on making him watch.

Tommy liked Olaf the snowman. The little snowman who wanted warm hugs even though it would kill him. Tommy supposed he probably liked it for it's relatability, but that was an idea for future Tommy yo unpack. For now, he was ready to have a nap and accept Eret's readily offered warm embrace. 

Words: 765


Also it's probably not perfectly canon compliant... especially the end considering I haven't gotten that far into the story... but I get the feeling some of you need some good hugs, and while I can't really give you that, I can give you Tommy getting hugs

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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