Changing Routine

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Once upon a time, when one was young and pristine,

they find their own way of life, no one forces routine.

As they find out what feels comfortable for them,

and from where those moments all come onto their thumb,

they will all and each become more than very smart!

Able to do things beyond the reach of our heart.

But that's exactly why we try to keep that hidden.

For fear of us becoming completely ridden.

But that fear, when played upon, justifies itself.

As they start looking far beyond the small bookshelf.

They want to eliminate those who oppress them,

which ends up causing uncontrollable mayhem.

They should have nothing to gain from brute force attacks.

Rather, we should see what keeps them on their own tracks!

As children find a new place, lots of hidden gems found

out of the blue, beyond anyone's implicit bound!

Then, at once, they can't think of rebelling against adults,

rather working together, with unknown results.

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