Mall emo is for blue poptarts awtto

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It was summer, everyone was out of school, and living too far from Awsten to bother except for Jawn his best friend and bandmate. Well, kinda they didn't have a full band because the other members left to have jobs, or go to a camp, or have real things to do with their lives. Only Awsten had no life, so he begged his mom to take him and Jawn to the mall.
The boys climbed out of the backseat, swiped their bangs out of their eyes, and walked into Macy's. Awstens mom had to get a dress for something, Awsten forgot what, but she needed a dress. Jawn waved goodbye to her as he and Awsten backed away to wander the mall.

"Hey, Hey, Jawn, Did you know? The knives aren't glued down upstairs." Awsten whispers into his ear, dragging Jawn up the escalator.

They raced up the escalator, Awsten winning despite having worn monkey slippers. The boys walked into the home section and, skipped to the kitchen center earning some dirty looks from the grannies buying bed sheets and whatever old people bought. Awsten made a big show of pulling the knife from its block, bowing when, lo and behold out popped a steak knife. Jawn scooted behind him and pulled out another. They tested the other blocks before pulling out the most giant knives and "sword fighting".

"Ha! Fuck you, I'm the master of the wicket!" Awsten shouted after knocking Jawn's knife out of his hands.

"Don't quote "I'm not okay" at me after-" Jawn started before being interrupted by an old lady in floral print telling them to leave the store.

They took the walk of shame down the escalator and left for the rest of the mall. They walked to the hot topic and look at the band shirts. Awsten picks up a studded belt and goes to pay. Jawn taps him on the shoulder and points out the hot topic to the Spencers diagonal from it. Awsten looks to where Jawn is pointing instead of looking at the Spencers his eyes catch on a dude with long curls covered with a beanie sitting on a bench alone.

"Yeah he's cute I guess. Not your usual type, for one, I may be literally blind but ain't that a dude?" Awsten jokes, rolling his eyes at his friend.

"No, not the dude, I want to see if the Spencers has anything good in it." Jawn clarifies.

"Oooh Lala, are you gonna get a giant sparkly dildo, seriously, what else is in there?" Awsten giggles slipping an MCR bracelet into his pocket on the way out.

"Nah, I wanna get pins dude." Jawn deflects dragging the taller across.

"Great, well I'm going to buy a sparkly dildo so you do you," Awsten announces as they walk right in front of the curly-haired boy on the bench.

They enter the Spencers and walk to the back giggling like they were in middle school and not 16 turning 17. Sticking to his word Awsten buys the biggest, sparkliest, dildo he could find and also a fart bomb. He was extremely mature. Jawn got his pins and a few stickers checking out after Awsten.

They walked to the food court the boy with curls no longer sitting on the bench. The boys met with Awsten's mom who bought everyone their lunch. Showed off the dress she got and, asked how their day had gone.

"Awsten, do you think you'd fit in the kiddy boat ride?" Jawn whispered slipping him quarters while Awstens mom ranted about the drama with her friends.

"Mom, me and Jawn are gonna go to one last store, Okay?" Awsten asked not letting her answer before running off to where the mall rides were.

He hopped in the boat and told Jawn to put the quarters in waiting for the ride to start when the curly-haired boy from earlier walked out of Journey's almost choking on his burrito when he made eye contact with the scene boy clapping as he rocked in a ride meant for 3-year-olds. Awsten waved and continued to cheer until the ride stopped. Awstens mom rounded the corner at that exact moment watching her teenage son jump out of the boat and attempt to hide behind his best friend.

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