looooisiaannnaaaa hotel

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"We're staying at the fuckin castle tonight!" Jawn yells, pointing his camera at the lights from the hotel they were staying at.

They reach the parking lot and pull up to Awsten's car. "It's the loooissiaaana castle in loooissiannnnaaaa" Awsten drawls in a horrible accent through his car window.

"How do y'all feel about the hotel-" Jawn starts before being interrupted, "It's a castle!" Awsten corrects before Jawn continues, "Sorry, the castle we're staying at."

"Awesome! Dude, did you see the tour buses? I wonder who is here?" Awsten trails off as the boys walk through the lobby to their room. Once in the room, Awsten immediately strips and puts on a hotel robe while everyone else settles for bed.

—-------Pov swap to Awsten—--------

I am the last one out of bed. I still have too much energy to sleep the post-show excitement not yet wearing off. I walk over to Otto and Owen pouncing onto Otto. He attempts to push me off, but I roll over next to him and grab his beanie putting it on.

"Awsten! I'm trying to sleep!" Otto shouts attempting to get his beanie back.

I stroke his curls and elbow him in the chest wanting a better reaction than that.

"Your luscious locks of hair-uh!" I croon running my fingers through his hair.

"Nooo" Otto whines turning over to put his face in the pillow.

"Nooo" Otto whines turning over to put his face in the pillow.

I wrap my hand around his head when he turns to face me, and I twirl his long. Luscious. Hair.

"Stop, please" Otto whines.

I laugh and do it again, he sits up and throws a leg over my hip. He grabs the pillow and pushes it over my face. He goes on a rant about how I drove him to murder. I mock it grabbing at his side until I find his ribs. He attempts to get away, but I attempt to grab at his thigh instead accidentally brushing his crotch. Damn emos, and their tight pants. Otto falls straddling my hips where the ties on my robe have now become loose. I push my thigh up him grinding down. I use this opportunity to grab his hair once again. He pushes my hand away and holds me down digging his thumbs into my hip bones. I reach up and tickle his ribs.

"I'm sleeping in the tub!" He shouts as I scream about his long, luscious locks of hair. I wiggle under his blankets before looking at Jawn.

"Hey! There's a lot of light in here-ah," I begin in my accent, "To shine upon your LONG LUSCIOUS LOCKS... OF HAIR-UH."

I look over to Jawn who is cackling and ask if he thinks Otto died since I've gotten no response. I smoosh my face into the pillow before finding one of Otto's hairs, in my mouth.

"Eeew, Otto, bro I tasted one of your hairs!" I complain before standing up. Otto comes back and lays down in my spot I retie my robe and climb back onto Otto continuing to talk about his long, luscious locks of hair. Jawn flickers the lights while I stroke Otto more. Otto groans and attempts to ignore me. Ha, he could never. I stick my feet into his blankets and rub my legs against his before repositioning myself, so I am draped over the other boy.

"Awsten- I'm going to ask you nicely, just this once," Otto attempts to get me to let him sleep but I have ulterior motives. I pull his blanket down and ask to see more hair, Otto telling me to get off of him.

"Okay, that's it," Otto states standing and dragging me towards the door.

"Why does it always end like this-" I whine fighting Otto. I curl up by his feet so he can't pull me.

"Because you always bring me to this point," Otto says giggling as he opens the door and attempts to haul me out.

"Well, doesn't that mean this isn't the solution!" I shout pulling Otto to the floor with me and pushing the door closed. I run to steal his spot only to be stood over and beaten with a pillow.

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