Hello my few readers looking for nothing more that random stuff!
I am currently thinking about starting a book. Not a little story like buried but an actual book.
"Now Mango, what's this book going to be about?" You ask. Well sit down and I'll tell you
So far I just have an idea but it's enough right? Harry Potter started off with just an idea.
Off track but I would like it to be about Dragons. I don't have a summary, or a preview, or a prologue, or even a tittle yet. Just wait and I will start on those very soon.
If you are artistic and are willing to help me make a book tittle DM me here on my Instagram @/lily.buggg
I would prefer if the title was done electronically or photo shopped but if you can't have access to that then that is ok. again just DM me and I'll give you an idea of how I would like it.Also, thank you for reading to the end of this boring update. keep in mind I am looking for cover offers. Thanks!
Fabulous is my Name
Ngẫu nhiênJust random stories that I make or something like that