CH 1

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Your breath was short smoking all that weed started to kick your ass especially when it came to running but in this case you didn't have a choice.

dude bootleged and ran off with your purse and
you had big money in there so you wasn't letting this go easily that was until u chased him into some sketchy dark alleyway.

You slowed down your pace to catch your breath, your chest felt as if it was about to explode "Oh my fucking god dude jus gimme my purse" you said with shortness of breath.

You turned the corner to run into some typa ritual your throated clogged and your heart dropped something felt so off, but you saw your purse and that's all you needed.

'ok y/n just  swipe the purse n book it' you whispered to yourself, you walked slowly towards your purse that was sat on the dirty ass concrete floor.

"Niggas ain't got no manners coulda put it ona chair or sum" you said whilst snatching your purse up off the floor.

You turned to see 3 men including the bitch ass nigga who stole your purse backing you into a corner, you walked slowly backwards until your back hit the wall.

"N-now, you guys I didn't mean to talk shit I js needed my purse- n would u look at that I got it sooo, now I needs go-" you chuckled but nobody was laughing but you.

The man on your right grabbed your arm and so did the man on the left, the purse theif pulled out a nife and a bowl.

"we have to do this properly or it won't work for master ######." The purse theif stated as he cleaned nife in his hand The men holding my arm nodded like they were some typa minions.

"know sweetheart this will only hurt a little bit-" the man stated, you looked at that nife and looked at the theif.

"ok but like I needs go pee first" you stated looking at the nice as the man walked slowly towards you holding g it up.

"U ain't going nowhere sweetheart" he grinned, though as soon as he put the nice towards your neck you heard a splash and there heads dropped.

The blood of the men splat all over you face as if it was a horror movie "what the fuck" you said looking at the floor, then you looked up.

It was a tall man with white hair and tanned skin looking right at you.

"cant have you summoning that creature he does not like me" the man said looking at the corpses on the floor that had dropped after your mouth dropped.

"Oh~ and what is this, a human" the man stated waking towards you, but you had enough you pushed him as hard as you could out of the way and booked it.

"RUNNING ARE WE~ lets see how far you get" you turned your head as you ran clutching your purse like some track star to see the man jumping building to building catching up to you.

Shit last time you checked he was still near the ritual site thingy walking after you running.

As soon as you slowed your paced down from shortness of breath but as soon as you did you heard a thud like a body dropped and your vision went blurry.

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