The Dimension Disortion Fluid

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Here we go again...
So what do you believe the Multiverse is? A bunch of galaxies near each other, causing strange effects? String theory dimensions? Different endings? Well... those were all wrong. All the theories were wrong. Science? Wrong. Normal theories? Wrong. Matpat's theory? ...Ok, he get's extra credit for getting close. Everything that was "Proved correct" is WRONG...

But what if I told you it was actually... Well, nevermind. Me explaining will get me into trouble. Let the other guy tell the story of the story of... the person who found out exactly what the "Multiverse" is. Or... Yeah.


CURRENT DATE: January 24th, 2102

Logistics Employee, Calico Roberts, was walking amonst the halls of the research facility, along with his friend, Stacey.

Calico: "What the you think they called us for in the work room?"

Stacey: "I dunno. Maybe just to announce that they are still finding that human on that ocean planet."

Calico: "Yeah... Isn't he already back though?"

Stacey: "Eh, who knows."

Calico is a 5'5 human who works for Alterra and their affiliates. His hair is of a brown color, and very bushy and curly. He is Italian. Stacey is also 5'5 human who original came from working at Laminax, and mostly works upstairs at reception. Those two are both friends ever since hiring day. As they both made their way to the work room, it got more warm from something. Probably the AC. The only people who were seen walking amonst the halls were Calico and Stacey, as well as only one human. For some reason... running away?

Stacery: "Looks like someone is scared of work. Heh..."

They continued walking down until they entered the room. The room was very dark, and no humans were in it. Calico walked forward toward the testing chamber. There was nobody in there. In the dark room, there were some computers turned on, but needed the passcode.

Stacey: "I don't trust this at all, dude..."

Calico kept looking around, until there was a strange humming sound. Not human-like... or alive-like. More like a wire humming. Until the plan was clear. Calico quickly pushed Stacey out of the room and locked it. Calico hid under the door. But it was useless. The bomb exploded. Calico was dragged somewhere, but somewhere in the facility without gravity or oxygen, because he got sucked into the thing by the vacumm...


"Ah fuck... My head..."

Calico got up. His eyes were very blurry but it was hard to tell from his surroundings. It was... all white-ish? He was standing on a somewhat... floating island? There seemed to be some strange things going on. There was almost no gravity, things felt... weird here, and there were... tears in random places? Whatever this was... this was going to be a strange ride home...

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