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Alice hated being here again
Hated the memories
Hated the prank
Hated her friends
But of course she never said anything
As Alice was walking trying to keep her thoughts at bay she heard a noise like someone was there
"Uh hello is someone there?" Alice eyed the trees for a second then shook her head "Probably fucking deer or bears god please don't be bears"
Alice looked again then walked off

After some walking Alice came arcoss a gate with a note on it
Gate's busted you
gotta climb over

Alice rolled her eyes "thanks josh really felt like doing some mountain climbing today
but what if I~"
Alice grabed the gate and tried to pull it open
"why did I think that was actually going to work for a second"
She looks at the stone wall "I guess I am Doing this"
Alice puts her hands and feet on the stones and slowly climbs up to the top only sliping twice then she jumps off the top of the wall and lands on her ankle causing her to fall in the snow
"Mhhmm shit fuck me" She said in a breathly voice
Alice slowly stands up and trys to walk
                    *She has to limp now*
"Ok never doing that again and im also blaming josh"

Alice kept walking and reached the cable car station then heard gun shots
"What the?" She slowly walked around the corner
And saw chris with a shotgun and sam next to him
Alice let out a sigh of relief

"Hey guys having fun with the gun?"
Chris and Sam jumped at her voice "oh hey Alice hope you had a safe trip up here" said sam
"Yeah it was fine" Alice walked over to where the shooting range was
"Hey you good? your limping" asked Chris
"Im fine just landed wrong when climbing over the stupid stone wall and got myself hurt"
"Be careful Alice" Sam seemed concerned
"Thanks for the warning"

"Anyway Chris do you even know how to hold that shotgun?"
"Well I think I shot pretty well"
"Sure you did" Alice patted Chris's shoulder
"Like you can do any better"
"Fine how much you bet?"
"Fifteen bucks"
"You're on"
Alice grabs the shoot gun from Chris and aims and shoots at all of the targets in what feels like less then a second
Chris is shocked "how did you-"
"Come on Chris dont you remember Alice does archery"
"Yeah but archery doesn't involve guns!"
"Aw too bad too sad now please" Alice held out her hand closing it and opening it fast
Then Chris rolled his eye and gave her 15 dollars
"Thanks boo" Alice winked at Chris
"Hey Sharp Shooters our rides coming"
"Man but I need to win back my 15 bucks!"
Alice put the 15 dollars in her pocket "Cry about it"
"Come on guys cable car!"

They all started walking the cable car with Alice walking slower then them
Then chris spoke "man it is werid coming back after a whole year"
"Yeah the moment I got here it just all flooded back"
Alice tried to ingore them she hated talking about the twins she felt like she had failed them
Alice turned her head and saw a wanted poster
"Hey guys think we will get a visit from America's most wanted"
"Hope not" said Sam
"Meh dont worry no one comes up here well except werid ass monsters" Alice replied
"Alice there were no monsters on that day what ever you heard was probably just the forest playing tricks on you or something like that" said Chris
"I know what I heard" Alice sighed "Whatever"

They walk to the door of the station and sam tries to open the door
"Hey thats werid door's locked" said sam
"Yeaaah josh wanted to keep the door lock to keep people out" Chris explained
"People? What people like I said no one comes up here" Alice eyed Chris
"I-I dont know said they found people sleeping in it once"

Chris unlocks the door and holds it open for Sam and Alice
"Why thank you" said sam
They all walked into the car cable station and chris locks the door

The cable car arrives and the doors open
Alice sits down in the cable car and waits
"Chris you coming?" Sam says as she walks to the cable car
"Well I was gonna stay here can catch some Zzzzz's buttttt ok"
Sam sits next to Alice who has her bag on her lap and smiles sweetly at her
"Just like going to the prom" Chris said as he chuckles

The cable car starts to move
"Here we go!" Said Sam
"Right" Alice spoke
"And the adventure begins!" Chris said

"I hope this was the right thing to do I mean like getting everyone getting here together again but josh seem fucking pretty excited to do something" Alice spoke in a sad tone
Sam seemed worried about how Alice was taking coming here again
"Yeah he definitely seemed pumped about us doing something"
"Yeah good its hard to tell with him y'know"
"Same for you if you dont tell me how you're feeling I cant tell" Sam joked

After a few seconds of silence Chris Spoke
"You know we should stop talking about what happened and just enjoy the trip"
Alice sighed "yeah you're right"
"Do you guys know how me and josh met?"
Alice and Sam looked at each other to see if one of them knew
"No we dont" said Sam
"Ok third grade Josh sat in the back of the room I sat in the front
We didn't never know each other existed!
But the kid sitting next to Josh started strap snapping the training bra on the kid in front of him
So the teacher made him move to the front where I was sitting
And I got moved to the back next to where josh was sitting and become best friends to this day!"
"A match made in heaven" said Sam

"If it weren't for the fact that Jeanie Simmonds hit puberty like 3 years early and on that day decided to wear a low-cut shirt that showed off her training bra
I mean who knows? You guys could be riding this train without me or talking to some other person entirely"

"Butterfly affect" Alice whispered "A tiny butterfly flapping its wings today may lead to a devastating hurricane weeks from now"


Alice was the first to stand up and get out of the cable car and was she got out she stretched her arm over her head
"Is your leg feeling better after sitting in the cable car" asked Sam
"A little but it just needs time"
"Ok just let us know if you need anything ok?"
"Ok Sam"
Alice walks over to the door of the upper cable car and tries to open the door but it wont
"Josh locked this door too there is a button to unlock it outside" said Chris
Alice sighed "ugh fuck"
Alice started banging on the door
"AHH" a voice sounded out the banging had scared her
"HEY JESSICA" Chris yelled
"Jessica over here!" Said Sam
"Um uh are you guys having a really werid stroke" said jess
"No we're stuck in this stupid thing" said Chris
"Can you let us out pretty please?" Said Sam
Jess hit the button and it turned green leting Sam Chris and Alice out

Alice walked out then Sam then Chris
"Oh my god I thought we were goners Another second in there and I would have chewed off my own leg" said Chris
"Sick Chris and we weren't even in there for that long" said Alice
"Hey I've got a lot of meat on my bones this is all muscle down here"
"Riiiight" said Alice
"Alright alright let's just get to the lodge already getting sick of this nature and junk" said Chris
"You guys go ahead i'm gonna wait a little longer to see who else is coming" said jess
"You Mean mike?" Said Alice
"What? I mean whoever"
"Whatever Chris Sam ready to hit the road and get out of this fucking cold?"
"Yeah lets go" said sam

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