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"God its so fucking cold out here" Alice complained
"When is Chris gonna open the dammed door?"
Can he like hurry up already" said Ashley
"Just like he should hurry up and ask you out?" Alice joked
"God really Alice he probably doesn't see me like that"
"How are you both so blind does like love make you stupid?"
"Sometimes" Sam shrugged
Alice raised one of her eyebrows at Sam suspiciously "Anyw-" Alice got cut off by a door opening

"Looks like this guy has some tricks up his sleeves" Chris said as he pulled down on his jacket in a proud manner
"Took you long enough" Alice joked
Alice walked into the lodge with a little limp but then something moved lighting fast in between
Alice legs almost hitting one of them
"AHHHHHH!" Alice turned around and looked at the thing runing into the bushes

The others start laughing at Alice's scream "what the fuck was that!" Alice still seemed spooked
"Probably just a like bear or tiger or something" said Chris
"Really a fucking tiger? A FUCKING TIGER!"
Alice yelled
"Or a bear" Joked chris
"God I fucking hate you all" Alice seemed pissed
"Oh hey Chris you got the door open!"
Josh said he was walking to the lodge with Matt behind him

Alice sighed "whatever let's just get inside before I freeze my ass off"

They all walked inside the lodge
"Home sweet home" Josh spoke
"Yeah sweet is not the word I'd use" said Matt
"Oh my gosh it is so good be inside even though it still freezing in here" Ashley said
"I'll get a fire going" josh responded
"This place looks look the same" said matt
"Yeah no one has been up here"
"Even with all the police?" Asked Sam

The others looked around the lodge it was the same since Hanna and beth went missing

The sound of mike's voice made her jump
Alice turned around it was mike with jess behind him the sight of them made Alice roll her eyes and turn around
"Yo bro make your self at home" said josh
"Will do"

Mike and jess sat on the couch with mike's arm around jess Then Emily walked into the Lodge
Alice was very close with Emily but disagree with her sometimes alot of her ideas were bad and Alice could feel that Emily was about to have another bad idea

"Oh my gosh this is so gross are you trying to sallow his face whole?"
"Em..." said mike
"Seriously can she be any more obvious? No one wants in on your territory honey"
"Excuse me did you say something?" Said jess
"Oh did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?"
"Sounds like someones bitter she didn't make the cut"
"Yeah its all a big Cattlecall with that dream boat congrats your top cow"
"Cuts real deep calling miss homecoming a cow"

Alice couldn't just listen to someone being a bitch to one of her best friend's even though she's the one that started it and on the anniversary of the day Hanna and beth went missing

"God both of you especially you Em" Alice spoke
"Shut up Alice not now" said Emily
"Yeah stay out of it you dumb bitch" said jess
"HEY WATCH IT " yelled Emily
"Oh so your the only one who can put down other people no one else can play with your toys?"
"Ugh you're such a bitch" said Em
"Whatever i don't give a crap about what you think"

"It least I can think 4.0 bitch honor roll how about you suck on that when you have to sleep your way into a job" said Emily
"Who needs grades when you've got all the natural advantages you can handle"
"Oh please" said Alice
"You couldn't buy a moldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass" said Jess
"Do you seriously Think that's insulting?" Said Emily
"Those bitchs are on crack or something"

"God just shut your mouth Jess" said matt
"No you and Alice need to say out of other's people's business"
"Ima about to get right up in your business bitch" argued Emily
"Are we about to get real because I am down to get real"
Jess was trying to size up Emily but it was working

Until dawn x OcWhere stories live. Discover now