Chapter Four: "Class In Session"

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I slowly regain consciousness, blinking my eyes open slightly and letting out a tired yawn. Ugh, my body hurts... I feel so sore and exhausted. Slowly, I sit myself up, groaning quietly when my muscles ache in protest. How did I end up here anyway? Who on earth knocked me out? And most importantly, where's Banban?

Oh... Banban.

That bastard... I should have never trusted him, not at all. This isn't fair! I went through all of that, just for him to turn around and— and use this as an opportunity to try and take advantage of me?! Even worse yet, I'm lying on the floor of some creepy abandoned laboratory. Way to fuck up my chances at getting home, asshole...

I whine to myself, pressing my hands against my face. That stupid jerk is gonna pay for this! But first, I need to figure out just where exactly I am. It looks like Banban was planning to do some sort of experiment on me. I wonder what he wants me for though, it's not like I have any useful information to give him.

I stand up, albeit a little shakily due to how stiff I feel, then look down at myself to find that my usual outfit has been replaced by a hospital gown. Great, now I feel even more uncomfortable than I already felt before. My gaze soon lands on something at the end of the hall; my drone! Thank god Banban was generous enough to spare it...

The drone seems to spot me straight away and flies over towards me, landing gently in my outstretched hand. Huh, since when was it able to move on its own? Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. All that matters right now is making sure I find a way out of here before Banban shows his ugly face again.

I make my way down the hallway a little, glancing around every so often to make sure nobody's lurking in the corners or watching me. As far as I can tell, the place is completely deserted. The only things I can hear are my feet slapping softly against the linoleum floors and the drone's quiet whirring behind me.

"Okay, droney... Where do ya think we could find a clue to how to leave this place?" I ask quietly. Yeah, I know, the drone can't actually answer me, but hey, I'm just trying to fill my mind up with anything that keeps me from thinking about my current predicament. The drone hovers over to a pile of boxes on the left side of the corridor, letting out a small beep as if to tell me to check them out.

I walk over to investigate, spotting a piece of paper on one of the boxes. I pick it up and unfold it, holding it up and squinting at it a bit to see better in the dim lighting. Wait a minute, what is this...?

'Case Update Report
Case #: 6 Case Type: 2
Genome(s): Human, Givanium Update #: 1
Alias: The Devil
The procedure on Case 6 has been a success. Case 6 is stable and performs tasks that are necessary for organic beings (such as eating and drinking) as predicted despite the lack of any biological necessity to do so.

As previously mentioned on other cases with humans as the primary genome, Case 6 recalls many memories and events belonging to the original genome donor as their own (excluding names of people), as well as keeping an identical level of intelligence. Case 6 is also capable of speech as fluently as the original genome donor.

Unlike the previous cases with humans as the primary genome, Case 6 is interestingly docile and cooperative, albeit very confused, about the circumstances. Most previous cases displayed extremely hostile and nervous behavior towards staff and children alike; a behavior that has been attributed to the new genetically modifications that were applied.

Case is not ready for presentation.'

Huh... Interesting. Don't see how this should concern me though... I mean, it's just some random science experiment that has nothing to do with me at all. But why do I feel so uneasy reading this report? Who just left this here for me to find? I shake off my strange feelings and fold the paper, placing it back on the box before carrying on searching around the area.

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