Chapter Fifteen: "Slimy, Scary, and Strange"

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It feels like Bittergiggle and I have been walking for hours now through the darkness, though it's actually only been a minute. Ugh, what I wouldn't give to finally be out of this place and back in the sunlight. I can't wait to just save my kids, get home, and... finally take a long nice nap for once in my life. Not that that's going to be anytime soon...

Soon, I notice a light flicker on just up ahead, illuminating the entrance to the Potentiality Sector that lies ahead. "So, that's our destination, eh?" I ask skeptically. Bittergiggle nods, looking slightly nervous for a reason I'm not sure what it may be. "Yeah, that should be it." He mutters quietly, looking around nervously.

I nod and look back towards the entrance with a newfound determination. I also happen to notice something beside it, and upon further inspection, I realize that it's... Mr. Kabob Man? I walk up to the dummy and poke him a little bit, but he doesn't seem to budge any. Soon, I spot a yellow keycard on the floor, and I swiftly snatch it up.

I almost knock Bittergiggle over when I come rushing back to the entrance with the keycard, quickly swiping it over the reader and opening the door. Finally, let's just get this done and we'll be on our way. But before I can step through the door, I realize that Bittergiggle isn't coming along for whatever reason. Huh, what's his deal?

"You aren't coming?" I ask him curiously. Bittergiggle glances behind him, still seeming very anxious, before he looks back at me and shrugs sheepishly. "Maybe I should, uhm... stay here. Y'know, to keep watch, I guess?" He forces a laugh out of himself nervously. I frown at him, clearly not pleased with the idea of leaving him here by himself.

"C'mon, it'll be quick." I tell him firmly, pulling at his arm until he decides otherwise. However, Bittergiggle seems adamant on staying behind, as he doesn't move an inch no matter how many times I tug on his arm. "Nope, I'm good. I'll stay here and watch. You go ahead." He insists. I sigh before letting go of him, rolling my eyes at him and entering the building.

Once inside, I immediately feel a strong breeze blow over my body, and I instantly know why Bittergiggle didn't want to come along. It's cold as fuck in here; it's too bad I don't have my cardigan with me right now, or else things would be much easier for me. That's when something to my right catches my eye.

It's a Bittergiggle clone, but it's in half? The two halves seem to be arguing about something as they stand on that support beam.

"Come on, man, we have to get back together." The teal half of the clone complains, reaching out towards the Bittergiggle duplicate who's standing on the other end of the beam. "Not a chance! Your jokes are trash!" The orange half of the clone retorts angrily, shoving the other half away harshly. What on earth...?

"You'll have one leg! Everybody will think you're the joke when you're hopping around like a bunny!" The teal half tries reasoning with the orange half. "We must get back together to prevent that!" He adds, causing the orange half to groan loudly. Looks like Tealy and Orangey here are having quite the scuffle.

"You make a good point! Let me think about it for a second..." The orange half pauses for a moment, and then suddenly, he lunges himself forward, kicking his teal half off the support beam. "Never!" He shouts furiously before falling to his doom as well with the teal half, disappearing into the dark abyss below.

What the hell did I just witness? Yeah, maybe I really understand now why Bittergiggle didn't come along. This is freaky...

AVI4 beeps in concern from beside me as we look down into the abyss where the Bittergiggle clone halves fell into. "Yeah, I have no idea either." I reply softly before moving away from the railing and going off to explore some more. AVI4 lets out another beep before flying after me, following closely behind me.

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