A Useless Closet

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School hours go by pretty fast when everything is so bland. It's the same every day, same classes, same people, same food, same routine, and you prefer to keep it simple that way.

Though, it's hard to stay simple when everyone is jumping up and down raving about the ChainsawMan church. Personally, you don't want any part in it. you like chainsaw man but you're not gonna bow down to the guy and praise him... that's like some cult stuff.

damn its almost 3:00pm its almost time to g-

"HEY Y/N!!"

your knocked out of your thoughts by the high-pitched voice of one of your not so fond of friends.

*God all she does it talk about chainsaw man can't she get the hint that I don't care?*

"Oh... hi Kohana. what do you want?

"Well like, me Saiko and Muri were wondering your opinions on Chainsaw Man??"

yea who would have guessed what she wanted was about chainsaw man...

"I mean I guess he's not that bad..."

"What are you even talking about OF COURSE hes not bad hes literally THE chainsaw man, anyways we wanted to bring you with us to join the ChainsawMan Church!!"



"I'm not joining the ChainsawMan Church, don't they force you to marry some random guy??"

"Yea but only if it's a hot guy obv"


"COME ONNNN both Saiko and Muri are waiting outside for us lets hurry up and go already"

"Who said I'm joinin-"

*As you try to protest, she grabs your hand, practically dragging you out of your seat to join her and your other chainsaw man fanatic friends outside

you could have denied them anytime, with every step they took to the ChainsawMan Church you could have walked away anytime but you continued to walk with them. Maybe it's because they're the only people that give your life a little bit more spark, so everything isn't so boring every day. Or maybe it's because you simply do NOT want to lose your only friend group. Even if they are kind of annoying, at least you technically fit into somebody's life.

you rant on about why you're still walking with them and eventually arrive at the ChainsawMan Church.

unsurprisingly, its filled with a multiple of other people from your school and some random other teens your age, and of course you're among them as well.

Chatting about chainsaw man and mingling with the other chainsaw man fanatics, you find yourself wandering about the chainsaw man church alone. surprisingly decently empty, you expected for there to be at least more people around, but you find yourself alone on the 2nd floor, how did they manage to get this ENTIRE building to themselves??

man, its hella boring here, what do they even do all da-


"What the hell?!"

screaming, the sounds of the people you just had small talk with, their screams ringing through the halls of the hallway you're in, is it a devil? isn't it their job to kill it? what the hell is going on??


screams abruptly being cut off by something.

are they... are they dying??

aren't your friends out there?? why are you even asking that of course they are. what the hell is happening down there??

the screams continue and then continue to be cut off, and the reality of the situation is starting to sink in. Theres some shit going on down there, and your definitely not stupid enough to go down there and find out.

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