ONE | macy morgan.

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"Keep your mouth shut about this, Mace?" my father asks, cocking an eyebrow as he straightens his tie in the mirror I have hung on the back of my bedroom door.

From my bed, I stare daggers into the back of his head, my fingers tightly gripping the sheets I have pulled over my half naked body.

"Come on. It's the least you could do after I got you this big role, don't you think?" he turns around and sends a smug smile in my direction.

"I didn't ask you do that for me," I remind him, my voice quiet, yet sharp.

"Oh, but you're grateful I did, aren't you?"

I stay quiet and shrink further into my sheets as he approaches and presses his lips against my forehead. "Hm," he chuckles dryly, "that's what I thought." I watch as he picks up his watch from my nightstand and makes his way out the room. "God, I miss your Mom. Only a few more weeks until she's home."

The second the door is closed behind him, several tears start spilling out of my eyes. I'm quick to jump out of bed and sprint into my bathroom before I throw up any food I had in my stomach.

With my Mom away in Milan for work and my older sister Harper leaving for college last September and later deciding she wasn't ever going to come back home, it's just been Dad and I for the last two weeks which means what he just did to me is becoming a more frequent occurrence.

He always finds a reason, and I know there's probably a lot that I owe him—after all, he did help get me the job I'm starting this afternoon and he provides me with everything I need and more—but the complete and utter shame I feel afterwards is never easy to overcome, no matter how hard I try to convince myself that I deserve it.

Minutes pass before I'm able to peel myself off the bathroom floor and run a steaming hot shower.
It's happened enough times for me to know that no matter how much I try and scrub away the feel of my own fathers hands on my skin, it never seems to work. However, the boiling water falling down my spine as I sit on the shower floor distracts me for the next couples of hours.


"Miss Morgan," my driver, Martin looks back at me through his rear view mirror, "what have I told you about that disgusting habit?"

My parents—being the definition of snooty—hired Martin when I was four. They weren't keen on the idea of me catching a bus to kindergarten and the two of them couldn't take thirty minutes out of their busy schedules to drive me themselves. Although, Martin and I grew quite close and still are to this day so I'm not going to complain. He's kind of like another father to me. A better one.

"Do it more often," I respond with a cheeky grin. He rolls his eyes as I press the butt of the cigarette between my lips.

"Put it out, I don't need you stinking up my car."

"Technically, I'm paying you to drive me so you don't get to tell me what to do," I tell him.

"No, your parents are the ones paying me and if you do not put that out I will be informing them of this."

Sending him a glare, I reluctantly put my cigarette out on the ashtray in the back of his car before leaning over the centre console. "I don't like people who blackmail me."
Martin glances at me out the corner of his eye. "I don't like people who think it's cool to damage their lungs."

With a groan, I push myself back into my seat and cross my arms over my chest. Ten minutes later we're pulling into Warner Brothers Studios. Not without a security check at the gate first.
Being here is so surreal. This has been my dream since I first watched Lindsay Lohan in 'The Parent Trap' at the age of seven. I would make whoever was my Nanny at the time watch it over and over with me, and even convinced one of those Nannies to take me on a studio tour of this very place a couple of years ago. Her name was Mira. She was my favourite.

"I'll see you tonight, Miss Morgan," Martin says, holding the car door open for me as I step out and am greeted by my chaperone. Her hair dark purple and tied into two low space buns, her skin is olive and her eyes are the shade of honey.
I send her a tight-lipped smile before waving goodbye to Martin. "See ya."

"Hi, Macy. I'm Hayley, I'll be your chaperone around here for the next few months. If there's every anything you need, I'm the person to come to," she starts. Her tone is excruciatingly chirpy, enough for me to resist shaking the hand she's holding out. Instead, I just nod.

There's a moment of silence once Martin drives off where Hayley and I stand awkwardly across from one another. "Alright then, I guess I'll show you around," she decides, dropping her hand to the side of her thigh.

After doing exactly that, I find myself with a small handful of almonds as I pace back and forth in my very own trailer. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I wait to be escorted to the green room for my first table read. I'm sure I could find my own way there, but Hayley said she'd come and get me after roughly ten minutes and truthfully, I'm too afraid to step out alone because my trailer is right beside Scarlett Johansson's and across from Chris Evans'. They could happen to step out at the same time as me and I don't want my first interaction then to be anymore awkward then the awkwardness I'm already going to bring to it.

I play Scarlett's daughter in the movie. Her character, Emilia, became a mother at the age of sixteen. The plot of the film is primarily focused around their rocky mother-daughter relationship and how it affects my character, Lily, when Emilia finds herself in an emotionally abusive relationship with Chris' character, Adam.
Adding to the stress in her mother's life, Lily gets hooked on drugs and finds herself in a heap of trouble at school. She even ends up having a pregnancy scare that her Mom finds out about when she discovers the test in Lily's bathroom.
Eventually, Emilia decides enough is enough and she leaves her abusive partner and focuses on getting Lily some professional help, only to later find out that she herself is pregnant with Adam's baby.

Hearing a knock on my trailer door, I throw the few almonds I had left in my hand into the small bin by the couch, grab my script, phone, and water bottle before opening up the door and being once again greeted by a very chirpy Hayley.

"You ready to go?"

I wanted to write a cliche Scarlett x daughter figure book again—similar kinda vibe to Movies—so here we are 🕺

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter & have a lovely weekend !!

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