TWENTY-FIVE | la la land.

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These last few days have been hell. Let me catch you up.

Saturday; I spent the day hungover which I admit is no one's fault bar my own. Was in a bit of a shitty mood so I ended up in bed feeling sorry for myself for at least half the time I spent awake.

On Sunday I got a phone call from Harper. Scarlett & Colin received one from the police too.
My Dad is in prison on remand. When the time comes, he'll probably not plead guilty for the charges against him but Harper told me that it's likely spend at least four years locked up. There's too much proof for him to get away with it.

As much as I hate my father for what he did to me and my sister, I still feel a bit of guilt for providing the evidence that landed him behind bars. It was the only chance at survival I had though. Was genuinely afraid that he would accidentally kill me one day.
Sorry, if that's a bit dark.

Spent the entire day spiralling. Didn't eat anything, didn't shower, didn't leave my bed except to use the bathroom.
Scarlett and Colin tag teamed in coming up to check on me. They brought me food and coffee, but the only thing that didn't remain untouched was the pack of cigarettes I had hidden in my nightstand.

Scarlett found them the moment she could smell them though. Took them away and told me that my few days of her being lenient about my smoking had come to end.

I gave her the cold shoulder for that. Only for a few hours though. It's not easy to get mad at her, especially when she's only trying to look out for me.

Now on to yesterday.

Harper came by before school to tell me that she was on her way to check herself into rehab. Apparently, she wasn't just getting drunk over the weekend.

I felt sad for her when she told me, but I'm so glad she's decided to get help. Even if that means I don't get to see her for the next couple weeks.
Obviously rehab is going to take a couple of months minimum, but she has to get through the detox stage before she's allowed visitors.


"Anything appeal to you?" Scarlett asks, looking up at the menu.

The next few days I'm needed on set during school hours, which obviously means I'm going to miss out on a fair chunk of work but on the bright side, it also means hour long lunch breaks with Scarlett.
Today we decided to head La La Land in The Grove.

I've seen all the influencers post about this place and it's kinda cute actually.

"Not really. I might just grab a coffee," I respond, pulling my cardigan over my shoulders. "Iced Long Black."

She looks to me, but I keep my gaze straight ahead. "We came here for lunch. Coffee is not lunch."

I shrug. "Don't feel like anything."

"We can go someone else?" she offers.

I shake my head. Feel like being a bit difficult today. I'm on my period and woke up in a mood.
Having not eaten more than the equivalent of two meals since Saturday probably contributes to my grump as well.

Food is the only thing I feel is within my control though.

Oh, also I've got nicotine withdrawals on top of all the shit that's happened the last few days. It's not at all fun.

"Alright, well do you wanna go find a seat? I'll just pick something for you," she says, tone still gentle despite me testing her patience all morning.

"Fine," I roll my eyes but don't let her see. "I'm going to the bathroom first." I walk off, find a stall and let myself cry for a minute (don't really know why) before I find the two of us a table outside.

Doesn't take long for our food to arrive, although in that short amount of time at least three groups of teenagers ask to take a photo with Scarlett. She said no which I admire quite a bit actually. She wasn't rude about it or anything, just mentioned that she was spending time with family.

She considers me her family.

If it wasn't obvious already, I'm a fucking emotional wreck so when she said that I had to fight not to cry with every bone in my body.

Half way through her avocado toast, Scarlett glances over at my untouched plate.
Pretending to ignore it, I sip on my coffee, pick up my phone and open Instagram. I'm beginning to learn the kind of demeanour Scarlett has when she wants to say something but doesn't know how.

"What time do we have to head back?" I question, wanting to draw her attention away.

"In about ten," she says, checking the time on her watch, "so eat up."

I roll my eyes, this time making no effort to hide it.

"Macy," Scarlett sighs, maybe a little frustrated.

"I'm not hungry, I don't want it." I look to her. "But thank you anyways," I add, feeling a pang of guilt.

"Honey, you haven't eaten all day and you've still got a few hours left of rehearsals once we get back. Your body needs some fuel," she explains in an equally gentle and stern manner.

I stay quiet.

She takes a breath. "Macy, are there...," she pauses for a moment. "I'm worried about you."

Ngl as I was writing some parts of this chapter I kept thinking that's so real Macy
Basically just the parts about her being an emotional and moody bitch

But also girl is going through it

Teenage Dream | Scarlett Johansson x Daughter FigureWhere stories live. Discover now