Oct. 11, 2023

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Today was a good day. I woke up from nightmares however, but then I instantly messaged my boyfriend. He's only been my boyfriend since like 5:00 p.m. today. However I messaged him and then I called him and we talked for a bit. And then I got in the shower and so did he and then we messaged each other. I went downstairs to the second story of my building and tried to figure out if my appointment was that day but it had been canceled so I went back upstairs and put my laundry in the washer.

And then I messaged Xavier again and we decided to meet up at 2:00 p.m. that day at the mall. And so I got to the mall and I waited for them to get there it only took about 10 minutes from to get there. I had the most delightful time with them there. We walked around and went into the stores and try to figure out about hiring stuff for jobs and I got myself an interview!

My interview is for Friday the 13th 2023 at 1:00 p.m. the interview is for a Hot topic. I am super excited this has been basically my dream job since well since I knew it existed and now I'm going to have a chance to actually make that dream come true. I just hope I don't f**** up my interview. It's the type of job I want before I go into an actual career. And I might have two jobs I might do Hot topic and Old Navy at the same time. That is until I start college at least.

The 31st of this month October, I have court and court is starting to freak me out because I haven't heard from my attorney which I'm supposed to be doing in like assessment type thing for the diversion program. Yes yes I know, but I didn't actually do anything my ex slammed his foot in the door and claimed domestic violence against me. I literally did not do anything to him but just the b******* part because he's trying to say I did. He also committed a felony and kidnapped my ESA. Esa is emotional support animal which it's a felony crime to take someone else's emotional support animal and not give it back especially when it's court ordered for you to do so. So I'm very nervous about what's going to happen at court because I have not had that interview yet and it's only 20 days away. I don't want anyone to tell me if that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do when they're not going to do their part and actually reach out to me cuz how am I supposed to reach out to them if I don't know who I'm supposed to reach out to. So tomorrow I'm going to contact my attorney I don't even remember his f****** name but that's not going to be a problem because they know what my attorney his name is since it's listed on my thing. So that's what's going to happen tomorrow.

I also have to call my pharmacy at Safeway tomorrow and see if my testosterone prescription is ready. I'm scared about this because you know giving yourself a shot is scary. But I want to get this done so I can get my breast surgery done and get them completely chopped off and gone for good bye-bye. And so I have to call them tomorrow and see if it's ready also, I need to contact Kaiser insurance and see why they aren't covering the almost $7,000 in medical bills from well found. Well found is a psychiatric facility for you know the quote unquote mentally ill. I was admitted there involuntarily because I attempted to overdose on my ex-boyfriend's medicine. Wasn't my fault he kidnapped my ESA and pushed me over the edge. also that's the same day we also got into a fight because he was neglecting the dog by not taking her out to the bathroom. So yeah that was a fun day but I'm not going to get into that right now.

I don't really know what else to write here but I'm going to rant about my boyfriend now. My boyfriend is the sweetest and kindest person I've ever met. And I am so lucky that I have him I'm so so lucky. And I can't wait to see him again on Friday, and I hope that his phone gets fixed soon.

I don't understand why anyone on here actually reads my things. Like I don't consider it very good or anything so why would anyone want to read it. Like it doesn't make sense to me but if you guys enjoy it please comment that you enjoy it and why you enjoy it. Also good job if you got this far into my long ranting it's almost 1,000 words to be honest. Right now it's at 800 and 39 nope 42. Well I guess I'll wrap it up right now have a good night y'all.

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