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Are you ready for the ride?

Trigger warning: suicide


We all look for heaven and we put love first Somethin' that we'd die for, it's our curse
—Lana Del Rey/This Is What Makes Us Girls

"A lil piece of yourself."

What the hell does that mean?

He rolls on to his back, bringing me with him, so I sit on top of his lower abdomen.

"I've given you all of me, have I not?" I look down at him confused.

My hands brace myself against his hard chest, feeling his calm, steady pulses under my palm. He tucks the hair over my ear, brushing along the length of it down to my back.

"The real you." He says lowly, his tone cold with no trace of humor.

My body stiffens. His hold on my hips tightens, keeping me in place.

"I don't know what you mean." Playing dumb used to be my forte, but now I can't even convince myself.

"You never went to NYU, didn't you? I have looked for your name and it didn't even once appear on the database." He states, daring me to object him. His eyes linger on my face, observing me intently. "And mind you, I've already pulled every connection I have."

My throat feels dry. Damn it. He backs me into the corner. He grips my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze when I look away.

"Stop lying to me, Violet." He hisses, suppressed fury clouding his brown eyes.

He's too smart for his own good. I am in big trouble.

"What did you find?" I grab his wrist and push it away from my face. My demeanor calm, way too calm he narrows his eyes.

"You, on Brown database." He says through his teeth. The man is beyond angry. I have really struck the nerves. "Graduated, not dropped out."

My lips curl up. It's useless to hide now. He cuts my facade wide open. "I'm quite impressed, Mr. Spencer."

I place my hands right beside each sides of his head, my body hovering over his. He tries to remain unaffected, but I know he's nothing but.

"Why did you lie?" he questions to get the truth out of me. No body ever bothered to dig this deep. What's he trying to achieve anyway?

"I don't lie. I'm just covering my private information." I defend.

"Same thing." He scoffs.

"What did you expect? I willingly handed my background to strangers?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I deserve to know." He argues.

I laugh dryly. "Why? Why do you seem so interested? You get to fuck me. That's enough. We don't need to pour our hearts into it."

He shakes his head as if he's tired talking to some defiant child. "Not even a single apology coming out from that pretty mouth." He says.

My cheeks flush out of embarassment. Our age gap is really showing right now. But I don't feel like I am wrong in this.

The situation is getting frustrating. And suddenly I need to be away from him. Of course before I can get off him, he grips my hips back down.

"What else did you hide, Violet?" he asks. No way to escape his persistent and annoying questions.

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