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*not edited*
3rd Person POV.

A'kira looked up the fair that was now in Georgia and she couldn't help but smile a bit at her phone. She was in her bed comfortably wrapped up from the coldness of her room.

It was 10:25pm and Adrian-ManMan was still at work.

She opened the message to text him. They haven't had sex since they where in Bali, Ki didn't want to just give her body to him when they weren't in a committed relationship. She explained that to him and she felt a pressure lift off of her shoulder when he understood.



ight I'm bout to go to work baby❤️

You liked message at 8:56pm

We should go to the fair🫵🏽
It leaves on the 16th
Delivered at 10:26pm


Exiting off the app she got on Netflix waiting for a answer and it didn't take long for her phone to get a notification.

Who is this?

A'kira stared at the text message hoping that is wasn't what she thought is was and she simply sent a question mark. A couple second later she was staring at a picture of ManMan sleeping in a bed obviously naked where the camera frame cut off, red lace underwear sitting on the top of the white bed sheets.

She stared at the picture for a bit. Never the one to argue over a man she simply liked it and unsaved his number.

Feeling her eyes burn a bit she put her phone down. They've been talking for 2 months now and she thought it was going good. Obviously not.

She knew all men weren't like this, but she honestly wasn't going to go out searching for a loyal man to repeatedly get hurt.

Ignoring the slight hurt and went back to Netflix.


A'kira heard knocks down stairs on her door and she would be lying if she didn't know who is was.

About a hour after she hit the picture she got more texted messages that was obviously from Adrian. He called her phone multiple times to the point where she had to mute his contact.

Getting out her bed she walked to the door in her bed attire.

She refused to open the door but she'll be damned if she her continuous knocking.

Looking through the peep hole seeing him stare at the door before knocking again.

"What the fuck do you want ManMan." Kira spoke honestly irritated

"Baby, I'm sorry can you open the door so we ca' talk...please"

She mugged the door and when he heard silence he spoke again.

"A'kira I'm sorry."

"Go back to your bitch. Leave me the fuck alone because I honestly have no respect for you right now."

"What I gotta do to make it up to you?"

"Nothing. I'm done with you lose my contact on some real shit bruh. Why the fuck on dumb ass bitch. Bird ass hoe, claim you at work to fuck on bitches and gon come to my house when you done?"

It was no secret A'kira's mouth and hands got real reckless. Everybody and they mama knew it, including hers.

"Baby I'm sorry, I won't do it no more."

A'kira couldn't help but roll her eyes. He was giving her the exact same story line as Bali, and how he was so sorry.

"Adrian let me tell you sum. If I look on this fucking security camera in 10 minutes and you still here, I'm gon call my dad, I'm dead ass."

It was also no secret Jamal didn't play when it came to his kids. He already served 5 going on 6 years because his own brother decided to fuck around and find out. His nephew deciding to continue his dads footsteps; he found out too, now laying somewhere in the bottom on the ocean. He was a evil ass nigga when it came down to people messing with his daughters and fiancé.

"A'kira c'mon na'."

She mugged the door as if she could see him and walk back up stairs. Throwing her body down on the bed unpausing her comfort from, 'Dynasty'.

Sticking to her word she click on the security app on her phone. She had a pin lock and security system installed, if a person were to get the code wrong 3 times in a row it would immediately send a notification to her parent her sister and of course her. Samir installed it in her house when he did it with Marianne's.

Clicking on the front door seeing he wasn't there and his car was gone from the driveway

'I hate niggas.'

she threw her phone down and focused on her show.



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