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*not edited*
3rd Person POV.

Xavier sat down watching Kehlani as ate her waffles. He let her sleep in the spare room.

"Drink some milk before you choke Kehlani."

He lifted the warm milk mixed with sugar, that she asked for, up to her mouth. Letting her drink and pulling away a couple second later

"You kno' yo whole name?"

She nodded her head proudly.

"Kehlani Amari King!"

She mispronounced it a lot making him repeat it to his understanding and she nodded her head yes eating more waffles.

"Why mommy and daddy put you out tha' car mamas?"

"Her say I cry too much and daddy tell me shut up. He like 'shut up!' But I hungry and her tell me leave and daddy put me on the ground."

He nodded putting her story together raising his eyebrow when she tried mocking her fathers tone. He just changed the topic not wanting her to be sad.

When they got home he gave her food, made her take a bath, and put her to sleep.

It was 7 in the morning when he got woke up hearing her crying from a bad dream in the room down the hall. He tried to put her back to sleep but apparently she was hungry and couldn't sleep without milk.

So now they sat in the kitchen as she ate waffles and drank her milk.

"I go back home? I not want to.." Kehlani said tears building up in her eyes.

"No princess, you gon go by nice lady with other kids." Xavier spoke honestly

Samir funded a foster home knowing how hard it was to grow up on the streets, if he could help it another child won't go through what he did. One day he came over a struggling home. He set of a automatic $5,000 transaction to their foster home every week, It was anonymous but they knew the lady around the age of 40 took care of the children very well.

"I play with the other kids?"

"Mhmm you gon find alotta friends."

He told her and she seemed very content and happy with the thought, switching their conversation to her favorite Disney princess.

Xavier was still tired and had less than 2 hours of sleep so far.

She ate quarter of the waffle Xavier gave her, drank her milk and he threw the rest away taking her upstairs back to her room stopping by the bathroom first letting her brush her teeth.

Pulling back the comforter he watched as she climbed in getting comfortable.


"...you leave light on please.."

Xavier nodded turning on the lap next to the bed and turning off the actual light waiting until she fell back asleep to leave.

He now had a full name on the girl and the next step was to get a background check on her, then take her to the hospital just incase.

He %100 planned on killing her parent.

They fact that they kicked a child out a car into 62 degrees because she was crying was nothing but abuse. He planned on calling Mo when he woke up to get a report back on her.

Laying back down in the bed laying in between Twone's legs putting his head in his neck, wrapping his arms around him and he went to sleep.


Twone woke up unable to move and a 4 year old in his view watching what sounded like a kid show on a iPad that looked exactly like his.

"Hiii" She tried to whisper failing miserably.

"Tank you for let me watch tv." He smiled at her even though he didn't even remember waking up and giving her the iPad.

"Come sit onna bed." He tapped what was supposed to be Xavier's side of the bed and he watched as she stood up in his shirt that went down to her mid leg, feet tapping against the wooden floor and after struggling a bit she got up on the bed.

She laid on Xavier's pillow out of breathe and shared her show- words world, with Twone.

When he seen what's she was watching he knew 100% he gave her the iPad. Twone was a firm believer that the new shows honestly taught nothing and when he has kids they would be watching PSB kids.


"You not cook."

Antwone side eyed Kehlani.

"Yes I can cook."

She watched him throw away yet another pancake.

"Ight this time we gon set a timer okay?" He said pouring in another batch and she nodded agreeing with the suggestion.

Xavier walked down stairs heading to the kitchen where he heard talking. He walked in watching Antwone and Kehlani watch some kids show on his iPad. He walked over placing a quick kiss on Antwone's lips.

Looking over at the stove he turned down the heat and flipped the pancake.

"The box said 2 minutes on each side on medium heat."

"7 ain' medium heat baybe."


Xavier sat on his computer clicking on Kehlani files Mo sent to him.

Foster child: Kehlani Amari King
Foster Dad: Davis Hanks
Foster Mother: Ashely Hanks

His shook his head seeing she was already a foster child. Why willingly keep a child and treat them bad instead of moving them in a next home?

Xavier sent the address and names of the 2 to J through a burner phone, both of them would be in a basement by tonight.

He continued scrolling through her files learning more about her, he deleted the foster parents names changing putting the name under Ida Mae in the system-the owner of the foster home Samir funded.

Okay I know where I'm a go with this

Okay I know where I'm a go with this

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