A man named Dan was playing sonic.exe over and over and over again hopeing there was some way to beat him but eventually gets tired of dieing over and over again and looks into a new sonic creepy pasta in the game sonic R unaware of what he was invi...
I started the game and it sent me to the menu which is the cover and I could only play as sonic I played nonstop until unlock the creppy tails doll it was different then the other characters and it had a creepy mario 64 like feel due to it being very low polygon kind of blocky look "well... Here goes nothing" I said and decided to finally do the order of catching the characters I saw in a video and see what happens.
I did and then all of a sudden the screen cut to a light above a red and white checkerd floor I watched and then and tail doll was standing stearing at the screen
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it was so creepy because there no music the silence was deafining I assumed the game glitched and I was about to shut off my computer but then the tails dolls head went up right I stopped and watched it started staticing the screen as I could see the tails starting to become covered in blood whit evil red eyes and it kept going whit a terrifying demonic scream I pressed the power button and tried everything to get it off my screen even alta f4 I eventually pulled the power cord and it shut off I left the wire out out of my computer
".... I... I... I need to have a nap" I got in bed and tried to sleep off that horror but then when I opened my eyes
I suddenly open my eyes to real life at the end of that nightmare hearing the noise and what I saw laying next I almost cryed whit fear.