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I went to my room and looked at the computer "..... Fine" I put the wire back in and sat down as the computer started and logged in the game was still going and was the same except one big detail the tails doll was gone the dark room whit the red and white tiles whit that single light where the tails doll was sitting was still the same but the doll was gone.

"where the hell did i-" I was cut off by a sound behind me "thook you long enough" I jump out of my chair and fall on the ground and see it in front of me behind where I was sitting.

"oh come on I'm not that scary you chicken" I just a steer at it in fear wondering why it not attacking me then it reached over my chair and turns off the computer and sits on the end of my bed looking at me "leave me alone" I say in fear "and not...

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"oh come on I'm not that scary you chicken" I just a steer at it in fear wondering why it not attacking me then it reached over my chair and turns off the computer and sits on the end of my bed looking at me "leave me alone" I say in fear "and not thank you for finally freeing me nope" it responds.

I stand up but keep my back to the wall not wanting to get any closer "oh for the love of... can you cut it out already if I wanted to kill you I would have done so already" I slowly inch closure to it and finally next to it but stays alert incase if it trys anything "now that you finally clamed down can we get to know each other a bit" I just had so much fear despite how nice she was "not much a talker are you Dan" my eyes widen by it saying my name "how do you know me name" she looks at the computer "I might have thook a Peek at personal files while I was waiting for you to let me free" I get up and start walking down stairs and it follows as I go to the living room and it sits beside me "sssooo got any plans you wouldn't mind me living with you would you Dan" I look at her obviously I can't let any one else see her I just try to watch TV and ignore them but I really wonder what plans she has for me.

can you feel the sun shine (female tails doll X male human) Where stories live. Discover now